zie playlist Radio meteor
uur 1
1.burni ng witches : mirror mirror (afm)
2.Till lyndemann : meine welt (out of line)
3. hans & valter : land of the free (hlp)
4. bad wolves : ledgends never die (bb)
5. subway to sally : sthal auf stahl (napalm)
6. cory marks : make my country rock (bb)
7. the funeral portrait : suffocate city (bb)
8. the rasmus : rest in pieces (bb)
9. next deed : time (hlp) cd the soldier act 1 band from luxemburg
10.crossbone skully : high on you (bb)
11. chris harms : I love you (napalm) solo album zanger lord of the lost
12. wildness : broken heart (frontiers)
13. rauhbein : die laute und schnelle musikkapelle (rpm) cd adrenaline
14. perfect plan : we are heroes (frontiers)
15.seven kingdoms ; kyrie (rpm) cover mr mister
16. herin : the darkest hour (hlp) cd hiding in plain sight
uur 2
1.grave digger: the devils serenade (roar)
2. kilmara ; chances (rpm)
3. Five finger death punch : this is the way (bb)
4. ginerva : let freedom ring (frontiers)
5. sabaton : to hell and back (nbr)
6. death ss : out to get me (neecee) band van de jaren 80 uit Italie
7. black & damned : ruthless war (roar)
8. the big deal : fairy of white (frontiers)
9. nitrate : live fast die young (frontiers)
10.nanowar of steel : helloworld java (napalm)
11.hellguard ; the fall of lucifer (grandsounds) from italy
12. overdrivers : guitar playboy (roar)
13. cemetary plague : the coldest heart (live) (cm)
14. assassin : skullblast (massacre) cd skullblast
uur 3
1. magic kingdom : blaze of storming rage (massacre)
2. asking alexandria : dark void (bb)
3. empiric ; there is more then power (grandounsd) cd the seven laws
4. nekomata : de priapi dilemma (rockshots) cd euphoria
5. dynazty : game of faces (nbr)
6.nachtblut : todschick (napalm)
7. dominum : we are forlorn (napalm)
8. Avantasia : creepshow (napalm) 15 maart in de AB
9. from ashes to new : barely breathing (bb)
10. helloween : save us (live)(rpm)
11. fabulae dramatis ; pawn out of board (hlp) cd violenta
12. pothamus : zhikarta (double deeds)
13. ex deo :vespasian (rpm)
14.tar point ; blind (prophecy)
uur 1
1.night flight orchestra : way to spend the night (napalm) cd give us the moon
2. labyrinth : out of places (frontiers)
3. ray of light ; city of angels (cmm)
4. Robin Macauley : til I die (frontiers)
5. alestorm : drink (napalm)op 20 Jan in de AB, tezamen met Elvenking, tyr en heidevolk
6. dool : shape of fluidity (prophecy)op Alcatraz op 8/0/10 augustus
7. holy mother : wake up america _ op alcatraz
8. iron maiden : fear of the dark () op gmm 19/20/21/22 juni
9. Heidevolk ; drinking with the gods (napalm)op 20 Jan in de AB, tezamen met Elvenking, tyr en alestorm
10. Savatage : sirens ()op gmm 19/20/21/22 juni
11. spiders : sweet boy (wild kindom) cd sharp objects --- ouderwetse rock n roll
12. enemy inside : don't call me an angel (rpm)
13. sacrosanct : avenging angel (roar)
14. jon anderson and the band of geeks : and you and I (frontiers) ........een ballad van vroegere zanger van yes
uur 2
1. burning witches : miror miror (napalm)
2. phil x & the drills : don't wake up dead (frontiers)
3. Mantric momentum : alienized (frontiers)
4. Sorceress of sin : poseidon (whd) cd ennea
5. subway to sally : post mortem (napalm)
6.subway to sally : herz in der rinde (napalm)
7. subway to sally : stahl auf sthal
8. Brainstorm : garuda killer of snakes (rpm)
9. flush : noises in my head (whd)
10.days of jupiter : desolation (rpm) cd the world was never enough
11. gaupa : heavy lord (nbr)
12. trishula : will heaven ever give us what we need (pride & joy) cd becoming the enemy
13. mikael erlandsson ; evil eye (pride and joy) cd the second 1
uur 3
1. helloween : forever and one (live) (rpm) cd live at budokan
2. patriarkh : wierszalin 2 (napalm)
3. souls of steel : no mans land (whd)
4. the dark : head of the snake (ae)
5. lordi : syntax error (rpm)
4. mezzrow : as fear unfolds (roar)
5. bridear : braver words (cmm) from japan
6. airforce : among the shadows (roar)
7. city is ours ; can you feel it (ae)
8. amaranthe : damnation flame (nbr) orchestral version
9. octoploid : coast of the drowned sailors (rpm)
10. Niviane : legions (rock shots) cd queen of phantons
11. karnage through krossing ; frozen crown (vlad)
12. blood feast : never will I die (vlad) cd infinite evolution
1. Doro : merry metal x mass (nbr)
2. All for metal is comming to town (afm)
magnum : on christmas day
the sheepdogs ; santa man
sabaton : christmas truce
helmut lotti ; I don't wanna cry anymore
black briar l floriography (nbr)
luminare christmass : cacarol of the bells (frontiers)
epica ; arcana (nbr)
majestica : ghost of christmass past (nbr)
electric guitars : all I want ofr christmass
Lee aaron : almost christmass (metal ville
lionheart ; remembrance praying for two (frontiers)
goo goo dolls : christmass all over agein
maerzfield weihnachtsknall
amaranthe ; insiatable (acc)(nbr)
vlad in tears black christmass
lost in static : all I want for christmass
mystopera ; nordlicht
liv kristine dejlig er jorden
vantablack warship : all i want for christmass
dan lorenzo ; dan zig hates x mass
slade : merry x mass everybody
jethro tull : ring out solstice bells (frontiers)
blind guardian; merry x mass everybody
sweet ; let it snw
the quill : winter time
doro : rock n roll christmass
xandria ; 200 years (napalm)
gloryhammer : he has returned
1.nanowar of steel : helloworld java (napalm)
2. marty and the bad pucnh : the time is now (ce)
3. storace : lady of the night (frontiers)
4. anima inside : alien (rockshots)
5. magic kingdom : blaze of storming rage (massacre)
6. manntra : skal (napalm)
7. S O R M : scream (noble demon)
8. WASP/ scream (rf)
9. . W E T : Believer (frontiers)
10. dynazty : game of faces (nbr)
11. streetlight : sleepwalk (frontiers)
12. brazen abbot : the whole world is crazy (frontiers) cd bad religion re-issue
13.nachtblut : todschick (napalm)
14. queen of spades ; impact (hardlife)
15. mystic blade : forever alone (whd)
16. dominum : we are forlorn (napalm)
17. Avantasia : creepshow (napalm) 15 maart in de AB
18. girisch an the chronicles : kaal (frontier) band from india
19. andy henson : villain (rock n growl)
20. Dream theater ; a broken man (inside out)
21. enemy inisde : don't call me an angel (rpm)
22. virtual symmetry : canvas of souls (nee cee) cd veils of illumination
23.the ferrymen ; iron will (frontiers)
26. eluveite : premonition (nbr)
27. mystery blue : rebel at heart (massacre) cd night demon
28. Black slash : tokyo (iron shields) cd heroes saints and fools
29. telma : seventeen (all noir)
30. end of green : left my way (reaper) cd twinfinity
1Dynazty : game of faces (nbr)
2. malvada : fear (frontiers)
3.art nation ; thunderball (frontiers)
4. Saber ; lost in flames (roar)
5. gloryhammer : he has returned (napalm)
6. Subway to sally : stahle auf Stahl (napalm)
7. degreed : get up (frontiers)
8. Marko hietela : impatient zero (nbr)
9. sorceress of sin : reina (whd)
10. helloween : save us (live)(rpm)
11. gotthard : boom boom (rpm)
12. Athena XIX : the calm before the storm (rpm)
13. Blacktoothed ; antidote (ae)
14. hollow : trademark (metalmessage) cd modern cathedral
15. jon harris : wasted entertainement (epictronic) cd paralell heart - instrumental
16. royal republic : tommy gun (roadrunner) 14 Deecmeber casino st niklaas
17. the big deal : like a fire (frontiers)
18. Mark morton : the needle and the spoon (spinefarm) cover lynyrd skynyrd
19. coheed and cambria ; searching for tommorow (pimp
20. Storm ochestra : crush the mirrors (mascot)
21. .evergrey : wrong (afm) vrijdag 13 december in casino sint niklaas
22. kilmara ; journey to the sun (roar)
23. rauhbein : hande hoch (rpm)
24. odyssey : I am two (cm) band from dan swano
25. Emil bulls : my favorite waste of time (holdtight)
26. Orphaned land : ocean land (cm)
27. Lextraneus ; deep in stone (prime collective)
28. the raven age : guillotine (cmm)
29. Vola : we will not disband (mascot)
30. wolvespirit : robots (cmm) cd bullshit
1.magic kingdom : undead at the gates (massacre)
2. risen crow : risen crow (rockshots)
cd requiem for a damned love
3. ereley : type o steele (whd)
4. Maestrick : upside down (frontiers)
5. linkin park : two faced (warner)
7. loanshark : electric shocking waves (roar)
8. hans & valter : land of the free (hardlife)
9. marilyn manson : one asassination under god (nbr)
6. ad infinitum : anthem for the broken (napalm)
10. body count : mercyless (cm)
11. last temptation : get on me (metalville) cd heart starter
12. ritchie newton ; crying in the summerrain (nrt)
13.die for my sins : scream (all noir) cd scream
16. lamashtu : sma steg (whd)
. Xandria : 200 Years (napalm)
28. adrian smith & ritchie kotzen : white noise (bmg) cd black lght/white noise
20. bonfire : I will rise (frontiers)
14; rotzak : sloom (hardlife)
patriarch : freed from execution () 6 december in de B52 in eernegem
acid : black car op 6 december in de belvedere in Namen
chalice : why (hardlife) in de Elpee in deinze op 7 december
15. Crossbone skully : high on you (bb) evil world machine feat nikki six
16. Blackbriar : floriography (nbr)
7. ginger evil : hands move to midnight (frontiers)
18.xeneris : the queen and the dragons (frontiers)
19. dark chapel ; glass heart (holdtight)
25. crazy lixx : midnight rebels (frontiers)
26. landfall : running in circles (frontieers)
16. sirius : unbound the scream (whd)
27. baby said : hate me (bb)
29. death SS : dr Jekyll sister hyde (lucifer rising)
31. vallorch : circle of the moon (asher)
1.thundermother : dead or alive (afm)
2. dani hart: no more (hlp)
3. Seven kingdoms : the square (rpm) cd the square
4. wildness : crucified (frontiers) cd avenger
5. sabatton : nieuwe grote toernee in 2025 en ze komen naar het sportpaleis in antwerpen op 02.12.2025
6. the eternal : everlasting (rpm)
7. twisted rose ; broken glass (7 hard)
8. vandale ft hens wesbroek : vloeibaar (oob)
9. brothers of metal : flight of the ravens (afm) cd fimbulvinter
10. Lord of the lost & feuerschwanz : lords of fyre (napalm)
11. labyrinth : welcome twillight (frontiers)
12. within silence ; land of light (ulterium) cd the eclipse of worlds
13. powell payne : no escape (frontiers)
14. marty friedman ; song for an eternal child (frontiers)
15. grave gigger ; killing is my pleasure (roar) cd bone collector
16; empires of eden : when will it end (massacre) cd guardians of eden
17.aeon of gods : king of gods (scarlet) cd king of gods
18. Rock out : pump it up (frontiers)
19.Xandria : my curse is my redemption (napalm) 28 nov in de dvg club
20.Sirenia : dim days of color (napalm)28 nov in de dvg club
21.Anvil : ghost shadows (afm) 29 nov. in hell in diest
22.october changes : decay of sleeping 29 nov in de B52 in eernegem
23.mdou mactar : funeral for justice : op 30 nv. in de vooruit in gent
24; Epica : arcana (aces high)
25.fellowship : hold up your hearts again (scarlet) cd the sies above
26.metalite : cyberdome (live)(afm)
27. the hellacopters ; leave a mark (nbr)
28. Steel inferno electrocutor (from the vault)
1.thundermother : dead or alive (afm)
2. dani hart: no more (hlp)
3. Seven kingdoms : the square (rpm) cd the square
4. wildness : crucified (frontiers) cd avenger
5. sabatton : nieuwe grote toernee in 2025 en ze komen naar het sportpaleis in antwerpen op 02.12.2025
6. the eternal : everlasting (rpm)
7. twisted rose ; broken glass (7 hard)
8. vandale ft hens wesbroek : vloeibaar (oob)
9. brothers of metal : flight of the ravens (afm) cd fimbulvinter
10. Lord of the lost & feuerschwanz : lords of fyre (napalm)
11. labyrinth : welcome twillight (frontiers)
12. within silence ; land of light (ulterium) cd the eclipse of worlds
13. powell payne : no escape (frontiers)
14. marty friedman ; song for an eternal child (frontiers)
15. grave gigger ; killing is my pleasure (roar) cd bone collector
16; empires of eden : when will it end (massacre) cd guardians of eden
17.aeon of gods : king of gods (scarlet) cd king of gods
18. Rock out : pump it up (frontiers)
19.Xandria : my curse is my redemption (napalm) 28 nov in de dvg club
20.Sirenia : dim days of color (napalm)28 nov in de dvg club
21.Anvil : ghost shadows (afm) 29 nov. in hell in diest
22.october changes : decay of sleeping 29 nov in de B52 in eernegem
23.mdou mactar : funeral for justice : op 30 nv. in de vooruit in gent
24; Epica : arcana (aces high)
25.fellowship : hold up your hearts again (scarlet) cd the sies above
26.metalite : cyberdome (live)(afm)
27. the hellacopters ; leave a mark (nbr)
28. Steel inferno electrocutor (from the vault)
1. absolva : the thrill of the chase (rocksector)
2. bonfire : I died tonight (frontiers)
3.the big deal : survivor (frontiers)
4. days of jupiter ; the fix (rpm)
5. helloween ; eagle fly free (live)(rpm) cd live at budokan
6. No favors : the monkeys are in charge (pride an joy) cd the elventh hour ++
7. tremonti ; one more time (napalm)
8. illusion force : halfana(frontiers)
9. arctis : tell me why (napalm)
10. Twillight force : battle of arcane (nbr)
11. Circles of illusion : bridge to america (lion) cd lionheart
12. Lucifer : who by fire (nbr)
13. blood command : we could be heaven (ae)
14. set your sails : dangerous (napalm)
15. Advocatus dei : eiszeit (dark traxx)
16. sonic redemption :I got fever (eb)
17. hous of lords : full tilt overdrive (frontiers)
18. nitrate ; tough guys don't cry (fontiers)
19. The rock alchemist : the door of the all (lion) cd lead, love and gold
20. rhapsodhy of fire ; rising from tragic flames (afm)
21. freedom call : heart of a warrior (hlp) op 15 nov. in de dvg in kortrijk
22. ufomamout : 15 nov. in de chinastraat in gent
23 blackstone cherry : out of pocket (mascot) in het depot in leuven 15 nov
24. smash into pieces : heathens () op 17, nov casino in sint niklaas
25. draconian : lustrous heart (napalm) op 17 nov. dvg
26 .dyscordia : oblivion (hlp) plutofest op 16 nov. in oosterele in de Ambacht,
27. picture : no place to hide (eb)
28. metalite : blazing skies (live)(afm)
29. splendidula : behind my semblane (hlp)
1. Amaranthe: fading like a flower (nbr) cover roxette
2. sweet : circus (spv)
3.degreed ; love your enemy (frontiers)
4. albion : finding avalon ()
5. Grand magus: sunraven (nbr)
6. unen : in my bones (frontiers)
7.impeliterri ; wrthchild (frontiers)
8. innerwish : soul asunder (rpm)
9. Raubhein : die welle (rpm)
10..sunstorm : love s not gone (frontiers)
11. Enemy inside : fuck that party (rpm)
12. Kings of mercia ; guns and ammunition (metalblade) cd battlescars
13. league of distortion : crucify me (napalm)
14. empires of eden ; guardians of time (mssacre)
15. true north : save your breath (out of line)
16. nanowar of steel : the power of immodium (napalm)
17.hell in the club ; carolina reaper (frontiers)
18. Love is noise : to live in a different way (cm)
19. hard core superstar op 12 nov. in casino in Sint niklaas
20. cult of scarecrow : last words of black birds za 9 nov in b52 in eernegem
21. moonspell ; opium (cm) hells balls expo kortrijk
22.poltergeist : burning sword (metalblade) cd nachtmusik
23. Next deed ; broken regrets (hlp)
25. Testament : time is comming (nbr)
26. Super monster party : altered beast (cmm) cd part
27.Virtual symmetry : canvas of souls (neecee)
28. Secret sphere : daydream believer (frontiers)
29. hangmans chair : 2AM thoughts (nbr)
1. Eleine : never forget (rpm) cd we shall remain
2. a circus ;burn the witch (rockshots) ex leden rainbow, michael schenker yngwie malmsteen
3. crazy lixx ; little miss dangerous (frontiers)
4. Magik kingdom : blaze of storming rage (massacre)
5. astral doors ; temple of lies (metal ville) cd the end of it all
6. dianne van giesbergen : flameborn (aces high)
7.all for metal : temple of silence (rpm)
8.. Marco Luponero ; dad bod rok god (icea) band from finland
9.frozen crown : steel and gold (napalm) cd warhearts
10.frozen crown : warhearts (napalm)
11. frozen crown : i am the wind (napalm)
12. kissing dynamite : I got the fire (napalm)1 november in de trix
13. Massive wagons ; missing on tv ()
14. fire action : storm of memories (spv) cd until the heat dies
15. .mudshark : close your eyes (hold tight)
16. Accept : humanoid (rpm) op 31 okt in de trix -> uitverkocht
17. phil campbell & the bastard sons : swing it (nbr)
18. Mother of millions : feral () op 2 nov. in de djingel djangel in Antwerpen
19. dead daisies : let them go () op 2 nov. in de casino in Sint niklaas
20. Mike tramp : el salvador (migthy)
21. stryper : betrayed by love (frontiers)
22. die for my sins : time (all noir)
23. ensiferum : fatherland (metalblade) cd winterstorm
24. seventh crystal blinded by the light (frontiers)
25. Fish : weltschmerz (aces high) op 5 november in la madeleine in Brussel en op 6 novmebr in de trix in Antwerpen
1.dominum : the dead don't die (napalm)
2. demunillusions : far away (hlp)
3. kingcrown ; real or fantasy (rockshots) cd nova atlantis
4. tak matsumoto group: guitar hero (frontiers)
5. tygers of pan tang : rock candy (migthy)
6. mystery blue ; skulls frol hell (massacre)
7. days of jupiter : machine (rpm) cd the world was never enough
8. cassandra crossing : closer to heaven (frontiers)
9. secret spheres : the nights silent accomplice (frontiers)
10. grave digger : kingdom of skulls (rpm) cd bione collector
11 .black sone cherry : out of pocket (mascot)
12. zebrahead : sink like a stone (bb)
13 within silence ; battle hymn (ulterium)
17. 8. 10. Years : the optimist (mascot)
14. powel payne : better days (frontiers)
16.hellloween : best time (liv)(rpm) cd live at budokan
17. innerwish ; higher (rpm) cd ash of the eternal flame
18.king falcon : crush crush crush (mascot)
19.steel inferno : attack (from the vaults)
19. The vision bleak : weird tales chapter 4 (prophecy) op 25 oktober in de DvG club in kortrijk
20. rotting christ : like father like son (som) op 26 Oktober in de casino in Sint niklaas
21. dool : hermagoron () in de cinema in Aalst op 27 oktober
22. nashvile pussy : come on come on () in magasin 4 in brussel
23. Kamelot : new babylon (napalm) op 30 oktober in de trix in antwerpen samen met
24. frozen crown : war heads (napalm)
25. Ad infinitum : follow me daown (napalm) cd abyss
26. Black briar : spirit of forgetfulness (nbr)
27. dream theater : night terror (inside out)
1.eclipse : all I want (frontiers)
2. house of lords : taking the fall (frontiers)
3. Arctis : I ll give you hell (napalm)
4. Aries descendant ; downfall (frontiers)
5. amranthe : interference (nbr)
6. serious black : we are the storm (afm) cd rise of akheton
7. night flight orchestra : white jeans (nbr) cd aeromantic 2
8.night flight orchestra : burn for me (nbr) cd aeromantic 2
9.night flight orchestra :how long(nbr) cd aeromantic 2
10. black oak county : camouflage (migthy)
11.solstafir : blakrakki (cm)
12. tzimani : haunting (asher) I feel fine
13.such great hights : empty (hlp)
14.ritchie newton : higher power (nrt)
15. empires of eden : the guardians of time (massacre)
16. twisted rose : paradie (7hard)
17. xandria : no time to live forever (napalm)
18. DD Verni cemetry safari (grand sounds) cd dreadful company dd verni ex overkill
19. impeliterri : power grab (frontiers)
20;windrose : the great feast underground (napalm)
21. After lapse : clones (frontiers)
22. Voodoo circle : on the edge (afm)
23. Onlap : never mind (all noir)
25. DAD : speed of darkness (afm) cd speed of darkness
26. Tribulation : murder in red (cm)
27. slope : fury funk (cm)
28. Starchaser : who am I (frontiers)
29. storage : we all eed the money (frontiers) cd crossfire
23. orage : undead inside (vlad
1.tungsten : the grand inferno (rpm)
2. dragony : dreamchasers (spv) cd hic svnt dracones
3. turbokill : time to wake (spv) cd champion
4.body count : comfartably numb (cm) pink floyd cover
5. dmg : final call (frontiers)
6. tak matsumoto group : eternal flames (frontiers) feat baby metal
7. ad infinitum : outer space (napalm) cd abyss
8. ad infinitum : my halo (napalm) cd abyss
9. ad infinitum : surrender (napalm) cd abyss
10. the old dead tree ; don 't waste your time (som) cd second thoughts
11. bombus : no rules (black lodge) cd your bood
12. tremonti : the mother the earth and I (napalm)
13.emetropia : new dawn (hlp)
14. imperial age : gnosis (atlantean)
15.cleanbreak : unbreakable (frontiers)
16. Raunbein : adrenalin (rpm)
17.orchestra : drummer (mascot)
18. seven kingdoms : th square (rpm)
19. die for my sins : scream (all noir)
20. innerwish : sea of lies (rpm)
21. talia hoit : ocean (cmm)
22. anthena XIX : I wish (rpm) cd everflow part 1
23. battle born : magic and steel (prosthetic) cd blood fire magic and steel
24. lankester merrin ; eyes of the night (mdd) cd dark mothers child)
25. charlotte wessels & alissa white glutz : ode to the west wind (napalm)
26. lay of the autumn ; si sta come d'autonne Sugli alberi le foglie
26. Everdawn : another life time (frontiers)
1.nanowar of steel : stormwarrior of the storm (napalm)
2. . frozen crown : war hearts (napalm)
3. nationwide : dreams (pride and joy) cd echoes
4. winding road ; close my eyes in Tokyo (pride and jpy) cd fill my sails
5. lionville : supernatural (frontiers)
6. steel inferno ; the blitz (from the vaults)
7. all I know : can't get you outta my head (hlp) cd stiletto nightmares
8.all I know : playing with fire (hlp) cd stiletto nightmares
9.all I know : hiding from love (hlp) cd stiletto nightmares
10. stranger vision : strive (cmm)
11sunstorm : I ll stand for you (napalm)
12. aries descendant : aflame the cold (frontiers)
13.cassandra crossing ; impatient (frontiers)
14. Black oak country : crossed the line (migthy)
15. cemetery skyline : behind the lie (cm)
16. fever 333 : Desert rap (cm)
17. satan : whore of babylon (metalblade)
18. Rauhbein : adrenaline (rpm)
19. Sahg : more of nothing (drakkar)
20. Smoking snakes : rocking through the morning light (frontiers)
21. texas hippie coalition : bones jones (holdtight)
22. victory : tonight we rock (afm) cd circle of life
23. lords of the trident : jetset city (cmm)
24. paragon : fighting the fire (massacre)
25.linkin park : the emptiness machine (warner)
26. neander : ultra (all noir) instrumental
27. seventh crystal : path of the absurd (frontiers)
28. Nitrogods ; kings of nothing (massacre) cd valley of the gods
1.delain : dance with the devil (napalm)
2. black label society ; the gallows (spinefam)
3. Herbst : spiegel (drakkar)
4. doro : time for justice (rare diamonds) cd anthems for the champions
5. crazy lixx, : call of the wild (frontiers)
6. Whisky of blood : crazy zone (m&o) cd diablesse of revolution)
7.windrose : to be a dwarf (napalm) cd trollslayer
8.windrose :r (rock and stonenapalm) cd trollslayer
9.windrose : diggy diggy hole (napalm)
10. storage : rock this city (frontiers)
11. impeliterri : out of mind (frontiers)
12.Marco hietala : frankensteins wife (nbr)
13.kk spriest : the sinner rides again (napalm)
15. lansdowne : oxygen (bb) cd here to stay
16. thundermother : so close (afm)
17.motley crue : dr feelgood (bmg/petting zoo)(live) cd live around the world
18.star chaser : battalion of heroes (frontiers)
19. grand magus ; the wheel of pain (nbr)
20. fate this wont last (frontiers)
21.jordan rudess ;into the liar (inside out)
22.wolfen reloaded : the ghost from within (echozone) cd the ghost from within
23.cobra kill : party like hell (frontiers)
24.zebrahead : doomsday on the radio (bb) cd I have mixed drinks about this
25. nightwish : an ocean of stranf-ge islands (nbr)
26. sandveiss : i ll be risng (folivora) cd standing in fire
1.windrose : to be a dwarf (napalm)
2. d-a-d : the ghosr (afm) cd the ghost
3. emergency rule : from the grave (whd)
4. the hot damn : can you here me now (talita)
5. cleanbreak : warrior (frontiers)
6. exodus rising : paradise lost (whd)
7. Tungsten : vantablack (rpm) cd the grand inferno
8.Tungsten : blood of the kings (rpm) cd the grand inferno
9.Tungsten : lullaby (rpm) cd the grand inferno
10.such great heights : done pleasing (hlp)
11. dmg : the great unknown (frontiers)
12. junkyard drive : look at me now (migthy)20 september asgaard, naar november verplaatst
13.charlotte wessels : the crying room (napalm)
14. league of distortion : galvanize (napalm)
15. promis down : furiuos ()in e dvg club op 20 september
16. Steel over : need the het () 21 sptember devils rock for an angel
17. king crown: down below ()
18. white heat : I am in love again
19. Cellar twins : solar waste
20. painted scars live and alive (hlp)
21. house of lords : bad karma (frontiers)
22. ad infinitum : surrender (napalm)
23. All for metal : valkyries in the sky (rpm) cd gods of metal
24. witchcraft : pray to die (edged circel) cd eternal sea
25. sirius : desdichado (whd)
26. feline melinda ; blinded by the beauty (vlad) cd seven
27. high inquisitor : the golen bough (gio) cd painted vision of an era
1.eclipse : still my hero (frontiers)
2. sinners blood : dark horizons (frontiers)
3. vysion : master of laws (m&o) cd masters of laws
4. mike tramp : elsavador (frontiers) cd songs of white lion deel 2
5. lars eric mattson ; reach the sky (lion) cd burning bridges
6.strangers : echoes (frontiers)
7.orden ogan : the order of fear (rpm) cd otder of fear
8.orden ogan : moon fire (rpm) cd otder of fear
9.orden ogan : kings of the underworld (rpm) cd otder of fear
10.entering polaris : building rome in a day (hlp)
11 arctis ; I ll give you hell (napalm)
12. The new roses ; attracted to danger (napalm)
13. athena XIX : frames of humanity (rpm)
14. All for metal : year of the dragn (rpm) cd gods of metal
15. tantrum : wail (vlad) cd no place for the damned
16. Innerwish : cult of the blind (rpm)
17. steelcity : I ain't dreaming about you (frontiers)
18. blitzkrieg : dragons eye (migthy)
19. tungsten : lullaby (rpm) cd the grand inferno
20.another day dawns : luminous bloom (cm)
21. wintersun : the way of fire (nbr) cd time 2
22. simone simons : from the cradle to the grave (nbr)
23. mother of millions : feral (all noir/vici sol)
24. Devin townsend : power nerd (inside out)
25. synlakross : mental breakdown (hlp)
1.eclipse : falling to my knees (frontiers)
2. any given sin : I just died in your arms (mascot)
3. conquer and divide : paralyzed (mascot)
4. casandras crossing : stranger (frontiers)
5. hammerfall : avenge the fallen (nbr)
6.damaged and co : clenching fists (whd) band from Malta
7. lord of the lost : blood and glitter (napalm)
8.lord of the ost feat blumchen : the look (napalm)
9.lord of the lost : one last song (napalm)
10.the nail : no time to burn '(frontiers)
11. the dead daisies : light them up (spv) cd light them up
12. Moggs hotel sunny side of heaven (steamhammer) cd moggs motel
13.van zant : jesus christ (ftontiers)
14. nubivagant : endless mourning (amor fati) cd the blame dagger
15. Ginger evil : dead on arrival (frontiers)
16. jaded heart : intuition (massacre)
17. torus : when it comes (bb)
18. Stryper : when we were kings (frontiers)
19. days of jupiter : original sin (rpm)
20. high parasite : wasn't hulman (holdtigt)
21. texas hippie coalition : gunsmoke (holdtight)
22. skarlot riot : run (despotz) cd cealestia
23. marilyn manson : raise the red flag (nbr)
24. ritchie newton : back to the wall (nrt) cd moments
25. the hot damn : automatic (talita)
26. the virgin marys : the northwest coast (pufferfish)
27. Mother misery : the phoenix (metalmessage) cd from shadow to ghost
28. Timeless fairy tale : emptiness (vicisollum/all noir) cd a story to tell
Antioch : legend of tudohm (iron shield) cd gates of obliteration
earth lux ; in your heart (metalville) cd lux heart
1.lordi : made of metal (rpm)
2.aries descendant : oblivion (frontiers)
3. esprit d air ; shizuku (starstorm)
4.mushroom head : we don't care (napalm)
5. stone broken : remedy (beasty)
6. house of lords ; crowded hous (frontiers)
7. eclipse : hearts collide (frontiers)
8.eclipse : the spark (frontiers)
9.eclipse : falling to my knees (frontiers)
10. black oak country : boom boom baby (migthy)
11. constancia : higher (pride and joy) vd IV evermore
12. mark tremonti ; just too much (napalm) cd the end will show us
13. next deed : tears won t dry (hlp) from luxemburg
14.electric guitars : speed of sound (migthy)
15. hammerfall : freedom (nbr)
16. beyond the labyrinth : fear is the killer (hlp)
17. all for metal : path of the brave (rpm)
18.frozen crown : steel and god (napalm)
19. stoneman :ferrari pferd (massacre)
20. Nightwish : the day of (nbr)
21.emetropia : new dawn (hlp) cover visions of atlantis
22. metal church : beyond the black (live)(reaper) cd the final seermon live in japan in 2019
23.all I know : can t get you out of my head (hlp) cd stiletto nightmare
24.backbone slide : house of thunder (peide and joy) cd backbone slide
25. silvera : gone too far (migthy)
26. funeral : my own grave (some) cd gospel of bones
27. solstafir : hun andar (cm)
1. imperia ; soldiers of hell (massacre) cd dark paradise
2. the nail : the nail (frontiers)
3. powerwolf : we don't wanna be no saints (napalm)
4. category 7 : i stiches (metalblade) cd category 7
5. Dream evil ; the tyrant dies at dawn (cm)
6. silvera : life line (migthy)
7.dominum : we all taste the same (napalm)
8.dominum : hey lving people (napalm)
9.dominum : cannibal corpses (napalm)
10. blitzkrieg : If I told you (mighty)
11.Painted scars ; freedom (hlp)
12.steel city : walk away (frontiers)
13.plague of angels : beyond salvation (holdtight)
14. emetropia : new dawn (hlp)
15. Requiems embrace : lady foxglove (sr) cd nightmares and fairytales
16.ad infinitum : my halo (napalm)
17. GrAnd magus ; skybound (nbr)
17.Hydra : we belong (pride and joy) cd re hydration
18. danger zone : evil (pride and joy) cd shut up
19. ignescent ; under attack (frontiers)
20. marilyn manson ; as sick as the secret (nbr)
21. eleine ; through the mist (rpm)
23. hell in the club : the kid (frontiers)
24. Unen : my love is broken (frontiers)
25. malvada : down the walls (frontiers)
26. fate : around the sun (frontiers) cd cd reconnect and ignite
27. april art : rodeo (reaper)
28.soundstorm : at the end of time (rockshots)
29.destruction : fast as a shark (napalm) cover accept
1. axxis : comming home (phonotraxx) cd comming home
2. voice : nevermore (massacre) cd holy or damned
3. avatarium : long black waves (afm)
4. all for metal : the way of the samurai (rpm)
5. blind guardian : ashes to ashes (nbr)
6.enemy inside : what we used to be (rpm)
7. tothcrime : behind the crack(prosthetic)
8.skyeye : fight (reaper) cd new horizons
9. dream evil ; fight n the night (cm)
10. seriuos black : silent angel (afm) cd rise of akhenaton
11. mike tramp : lonely nights (frontiers) cd songs of white lion
12. majestica : a new beginning (nbr)
13. spread eagel : a subway to the stars (frontiers)
14. sinners blood : enemy (froniers)
15. Stryper : grateful (frontiers)
16. the new roses : when you fall in love (napalm) cd attracted to danger
17.crimson veil : shift (rpm)
18.blacktoothed carried away (ae)
19.sirius : unbound the scream (whd) cd a quest for life
20. Johnny nasty boots : howling nd dying (plus)
21.charlotte wessels and simone simmons : dopamine (napalm)
22. zeal & ardor ; hide in shade (redacted)
23. simone simons R E D (nbr)
24. tungsten : vantablack (rpm) cd the grand inferno
25 patriarchs in black ; what do the know (metalville) cd visioning
26. cemetry skyline : torn away (cm)
27. body count : fuck what you heard (cm)
28. blitzkrieg : the spider (migthy)
29. windrose : rock and stone (napalm) cd troll slayer
30. kryptos : sirens of steel (afm) cd decimator
deel 3
22. Truckfighters : mind control () 22U in the morgue
22. europe : war of kings 23u20 prison
23. crippled black phoenix : black out 77 () om 23U45 la morgue
24. After all : waiting for the rain () om 11U20 prison
25. eternal breath : edge of the world om 12u10 la morgue
int org alcatraz
26. audrey horne : devils bell () 12U25 prison
26. Sanity s rage ; sanity s rage () om 13U20 la morgue
28. soil : shine on () 13U40 Prison
29. Thorium : nightfall (hlp) 14U30 la morgue
30. armored saint :win hands down (metalblade) 15 H mainstage
32 unto others : raigeki (cm) 16U25 helldorado
33. Hirax : helion rising () om 17U15 la morgue
34; exodus : toxic waltz () 17 U 50 prison
35. green lung : mountain throne (nbr) om 17U50 helldorado
36. cirith ungol ; the frost monstree (metalblade) 18U45 la morgue
37.orange goblin : sons of satan () om 19U25 hell dorado
38. Korpiklaani ; keep on galloping (nbr) 19U30 prison
39. gene simmons band, kiss : all for the glory () 21U10 prison
40. Baroness : seasons (p zoo) om 21u helldorado
41. cyclone : paralysed () om 22U la morgue
42 Danko jones ; fist up (afm) om 22U40 helldorado
43.heathen : empire of the blind (nbr) om 23U45 la morgue
45. Clutch ; cruel velocity () om 0U25 helldorado
46. Opeth : hearth in hand (nbr) 0U20 swamp
1? dysciordia : oblivion (hlp) om 11u20 prison stage = mainstage
2. eclipse : falling on my knees (frontiers) om 13 u 40 prison stage
3. killbots : the second barrage om 14U535 helldorado
4. Orden ogan : moonfire (rpm) 15U prison
5. feuerschwanz ;valhala calling (na^palm) om 16U25 prison
6. Cro mags : PTSD om 17U50 Hell dorado
7. Beast in black : power of the beast (nbr) om 17U50 prison
8. Channel zero : suck my energy (pias) om 19U30 prison
9. whitechapel : hickory creek om 20 30 swamp
10. saxon ; 747 () om 21U10 prison
11. amon amarth : twillight of the thundergods () 23H20 Prison stage
12. Korn : narcistic cannibal () lokerse feesten
13. Nova twins : cleopatra
14. Frank carter and the rattlesnakes : fire
12/ Paradise lost : as I die (nbr) om 22H40 in de swamp
12. life of agony : lay down () 00H25 hell dorado
13. vengeance : rock n roll shower () om 11h20 prison
14.raven ; hell patrol () 12h25 Prison
15. night flight orchestra : transmissions (nbr) 15U prison
16. arson : church of mine om 14U30 la morgue
18. fleddy melcully : hell niet gezien(sony) 16u25 helldorado
17. thronehammer ; svarte skyer om 17u15 la morgue
18. testament : children of the next level (nbr) om 19U30 prison
19. lord of the lost : the heartbeat of the devil (napalm) 20H30 swamp
20.1000 Mods : mirrors 20U20 la morgue
21. epica : kingdom of heaven (nbr) 21h10 prison
1. beast in black : power of the beast (nbr)
2. Stryper : end of days (frontiers)
3. the eternal : under the black (rpm) cd skinwalker
4. nighhawk ; turn to the night (pride and joy) cd vampire blues
5. gloria perpetua : beynd the darkness portal (rockshots) cd the darkside we wanna hide
9.amnify : favourite (whd) band from australia
6. Hammerfall : hail to the king (nbr) cd avenge the fallen
7.Hammerfall : the end justifies (nbr) cd avenge the fallen
8.Hammerfall : freedom (nbr) cd avenge the fallen
10. prisoner skies are blackened (asher) cd house of cards
11. Endless chain ; we are we (al noir) cd agony
12. human zoo ; in my dreams (fastball) cd echoes beyond
13. worshipper : windowpane (all noir)
14. deafcons ; escape route (fastball) cd exit to insight
15.gigantum : monkey king (asher) cd gigantum
16. chriz doe : solitude (fastball)
17. Livewire ; turbo shark (vlad)
18.stahlman : interstellar (out of line) cd phospor
19. revenite ; edge 39 (vlad) cd edge 39
20. Anvil : one and only (massacre) cd one and only
21. 1. Imperia : reach my tears (massacre) cd dark paradise
22. timeless faity tale ; new dawn (vicisoum)
23. bruce dickinson ; resurrection men (pimp)
23. voodoo kiss ; angel demon (reaper) cd feel the curse
24. Casidy paris : midnight desire (frontiers)
25. swallow the sun : innocence was long forgotten (cm)
26. Virtual perish ; cognitive dissonance (fastball) cd infernal inst1. n
1. orden ogan : moonfire (rpm)
2. 96 Bitter beings : flesh into the gear (nbr)
3. alterium : hear my voice (afm) cd of war and flames
4. a thousand reasons : obsession (whd)
5. ignescent : rado gaga (frontiers) queen cover
6. thanatheros ; I am all (echozone)
7.visionsof atlantis : armada (napalm) cd pirates 2 armada
8.visionsof atlantis : monsters (napalm) cd pirates 2 armada
9.visionsof atlantis : tonight I am alive (napalm) cd pirates 2 armada
10. powerwolf : sinners of the seven seas (napalm) cd wake up the wicked
11. tystnaden : broken (metalmessage) cd black swan
12. nikolo kotzevs nostradamus : inquisition (frontiers) life in sofia
13. neptune : metalhearts (pride and joy)
21. dream evil : chosen force (cm)
22. eclipse : the spark (frontiers)
.23. kisin dynamite ; back with a bang (napalm)
14. cemetery skyline : coldest heart (cm)
15. Mr big ; up on you (frontiers)
16. strangers : flames (frontiers)
17. Sunbomb : light up the skies (frontiers) cd light up the skies
18. Demunillusions : who are you with now (hlp)
19. damaged and co : carpe diem (asher)
20. Temple witch : ocean thousand (whd)
21. edge of sanity : black tears (cm)
22. unto others : raigeki (cm)
23. oceans of slumber : where gods fear to speak (som) cd where gods fear to speak
24. High parasite : met if fail (spinefarm)
1. orden ogan : conquest (rpm)
2. Z family ; the dark awakening (m&o)
3.kennedy myles : say what you will (napalm) cd the art of letting go
4. the nail : hit and run (frontiers)
5. Terra nullius ; maam bajnoka (whd)
6.paralydium : sands of time (frontiers)
7. nestor : caroline (napalm) cd teenage rebel
8.nestor : these days (napalm) cd teenage rebel
9.nestor : victorious (napalm) cd teenage rebel
10.tungstun : blood of kings (rpm)
11. eleine : suffering (rpm)
12. fading echoes : the first step (whd)
13.world on alert : insecurities (asher) cd world on alert
14. voice : schizo dialogues (massacre) cd holy or damned
15. sky eye : railroad of dreams (reaper) cd reaper
16.Lars eric mattson : burn (lion)
17. .charlotte wessels ; chasing sunsetts (napalm)
18. Jupiter cyclops : ufonaut (rockshots) cd age of the ufonaut
18. soulbound : forever in the dark (metlaville)
19. palace : reckless heart (frontiers)
21. wallop : world on fire (mdd) cd hell on wheels
22. bruce dickinson : resurrection men (pimp)
21. quiescent mantis : fight (asher) cd here comes the swarm
22. siege perilious : sons of the verlant (asher) cd creations call
23. portrait : the sacrament (metalblade) cd the host
24. earth tone 9 : black swan roulette (holdtight) cd in resonance nexus
1.kissing dynamite : the devil is a woman (napalm)
2 nestor : teenage rebel (napalm)
3. nikolo kotzevs nostradamus : the eagle (frontiers)
4. rendez vous point : don t look up (long branch) cd dream chaser
5. eclipse : falling to my knees (froniers)
6.black country comunion : stay fee (j&r) cd V
7. bad marilyn : eye of the snake (metalmessage) cd eye of the snake
8.painted scars : won t give up (hlp) cd kintsugi
9. kyptos : decimator (afm) cd decimator band from India
10. Neonfly : highways to nowhere (noble demon)
11. simone simons : In love we trust (nbr)
12. exodus : piranha (live)(nbr)
13.high dessert queen : palmreader (mer) cd palmreader
14. symphonity : the silence (live)(hlp) cd marco polo live in Europe
15. demunillusions : who are you with now (hlp)
16. rhapsody of fire: mastered by the dark (afm) cd challenge the wind
17. Cineasta : motion in disguise (lion) instr
18. patrick hemer : devils heaven (lion)
19. hammerfall : the end justfies (nbr)
20. darwin ; soul police (phantom) cd five steps on the sun
21. blood feast : never will I die (hells headbangers) cd infinite evolution
22. Dali van ghoh : wicked ways (whd)
23. Flotsam & jetsam : primal (afm)
24. Dream evil : metal gods (cm)
25. Bastion rose : fever (epic tronic)
1.imperia : better place (massacre) cd dark paradise
2. chez kane : don't cry wolf (frontiers)
3. damaged and co : truth (whd)
4. evergrey : cold dreams (napalm)
1.nightwish : perfume of the timeless (nbr)
2. the mercury riots : be yours (cmm) cd in solstice
3. beautiful skeleton ; victim loop (whd) cd temperance
4. xeneris : barbarossa (frontiers)
5. worshipper : heroic dose (all noir)
6.9.sunbomb : steeml hearts (frontiers)
7. freedom : eye of the storm (wild kingdom) cd stay free
8.freedom : love reaction (wild kingdom) cd stay free
9. freedom : tonight (wild kingdom) cd stay free
10.against evil : give em hell (metalmessage) cd give em hell
11. Mr big : goodluck trying (frontiers)
12. Millenial reign ; world on fire (rpm) cd world on fire
13.kreator : you are the government (nbr)
14.the hellacopters : stay with you (nbr)
15. ginger evil : shame old (frontiers)
16. king zebra : wicked (frontiers)
17. dust bold : children of violence (liv)(afm) cd live in Amsterdam
18. the misfires ; nightfall (asher) the misfires are dead long live the misfires
19. Ian Highill : living for tonight (hardlife) cd gallows
20. nightmares : leave me with my demons (gio)
21. giotopia : bad blood resurection (gio) cd trinity of evil
22. wolfpack : when angels die (gio)
23. plan nine : ice on fire (mascot)
24. calva louise : under the skin (mascot)
25. mr asylum : mr medusa (musik and film)
26. symakya : eleven (whd)
1. Flotasam and jetsam ; I am the weapon (afm) 13U50 NORTHSTAGE
2. vola : paper wolf 14U50 METADOME
3. Steel panther : friends with benefits 15U45 NORTHSTAGE
4. mammoth wolfgang van halen : distance 16U45 SOUTHSTAGE
5.pain : party in my head (nbr) 16U30 METALDOME
6. Mr Bungle ; eracist 17U45 NORTHSTAGE
7. Deep purple : burn original from glenn hughes 17U45 JUPILER STAGE
8. while she sleeps ; to the flowers 18U45 SOUTHSTAGE
9. Uriah heep : easy livin 19U10 JUPILER STAGE
10. Brutus : victoria 20U05 METALDOME
11. Blind guardian ; deliver us from evil (nbr) 21U JUPILER STAGE
12. Limp bizkit ; almost over 21U05 SOUTHSTAGE
13. Avenged sevenfold : hail to the king 22U20 NORTHSTAGE
14. Kamelot : new babylon (napalm) 23U JUPILER STAGE
15. wolfmother ; midnight train 21U55 METALDOME
1. john coffey : heart of a traitor 12U 10 NORTHSTAGE
2. Atreyu : drowning (ae) 14U NORTHSTAGE
3. crystal lake : watch me burn () 14U45 MARQUEE
4. extreme : get the funk out () 15U SOUTHSTAGE
5. black stone cherry : lonely train (mascot) 16U NORTHSTAGE
6. rival sons : bright light ()17U SOUTHSTAGE
7. body count : born dead (cm) 18U10 NORTHSTAGE
8. corey taylor : black eyes blue () 19U15 SOUTHSTAGE
9. deep purple : perfect strangers () 20U25 NORTHSTAGE
10. Scorpions : rock you like a hurricane 21U45 SOUTHSTAGE
11. Machine head ; no god no masters (nbr) 23U30 NORTHSTAGE
12. Igorr : hollow tree 21U45 METALDOME
13. Vibtge caravan ; on the run (live)(nbr) VRIJDAG METALDOME
14. high on fire : burning down (nbr)VRIJDAG METALDOME
15. Kadaver ; die baby die (nbr)VRIJDAG METALDOME
gmm special deel 1
1. Brothers of metal l chain breaker (afm) donderdag 20 juni op de marquee om 12u
2. Solence : animal in me - op de middag op de southstage
3. Dominum : hey living people - om 13u op the northstage
4. Amaranthe : drop dead georgious (nbr)- om 15u op the northstage
5. bleed from within : overthrone (nbr)- om 14U op de jupilerstage
6. Alien weaponory l kai tangata (napalm)- om 14U50 in de metaldome
7. Baby metal : metal kingdom- om 15U50 op de southstage
8. bury tomorrow ; earthbound - om 15U40 op de jupilerstage
9. Doro : lean mean rock machine (nbr) - om 16U50 north stage
10. textures : new horizons - 17U40 marquee
11.Kerry king : residue (rpm) - 18 U south stage
12. Comeback kid : face the fire - 19U jupiler stage
13. heart : barracuda - 19U10 northstage
14. Megadeth l a tout le monde (roadrunner) - 20U25 south stage
15. Alice cooper : dead in america - 21U50 NORThstage
16. Tool : pneuma (pimp) 23 U30 southstage
17. landsdowne : Safeword Vrijdag 21 juni om 13U southstage
18. Dynazty : all the devils are here (afm) 12 U northstage
19. svartsot : spillemandes dase (napalm) 12u in de marquee
20. Khemis ; in the pines (nbr) 13U20 metaldome
21.POD : I won't bow dawn (mascot) 14U45 southstage
22. hammerfall ; bloodbound (nbr) 15U45 north stage
23. Bruce dickinson ; after glow ragnarock (pimp) 17U45 Northstage
24. Avantasia : dying for an angel (spv) 18U45 Southstage
25. Tarja : eye of the storm 20U45 Marquee
26. Turnstile ; mystery - 21U10 South stage
27. Juas priest : pannick attack (sony) 22U20 southstage
29. biohazzard : kill or be killed - 23U Jupiler stage
30. Five finger death ounch ; aftrlife - 00u southstage
1. orden ogan : moon fire (rpm) cd the order of fear
2. Silverhorses ; bag of bones (bad reputation) cd electric omega
3. Skyline : fireball (spanra)
4. visions of atlantis : monsters (napalm) cd pirates II armada
5. legions of the night : rebirth (pride and joy) cd darkness
6. strangers : with you (frontiers)
7. elvellon : the aftermath of life (napalm) cd descending in synergy
8.elvellon : my foreer edndeavour (napalm) cd descending in synergy
9. elvellon : a vagbonds heart (napalm) cd descending in synergy
10. dark mile : no deal (pride and joy) cd dark mile
11. lay of autumn ; si sta come d'autunno (rockshots)
12. mutant blast : acid rain (rockshots) cd soulsteeler
13.charlotte wessels : the exorcism (napalm) cd the obsession
14.millenium reign : wandering (ulterium)
15. sunburst : from the cradle to the grave (innerwounds)
16. druidess : witches sabbath (pto) cd hermits and mandrakes
17. powerwolf : 1589 (napalm) cd wake up the wicked
18. victory : count on me (afm)
19. zombeast : red ripper (massacre) cd heart of darkness
20. Body count : psychopath (cm)
21. lars eric mattson : burn (lion)
22. nighthawk : generation now (pride and joy) cd vampire blues
23. auro control : feel the fire (rockshots) cd the harp
24. Anims : fear of the night (atomic stuff) cd good and evil
25 Pain : don't wake the dead (nbr)
26. ignescent ; goodbye (frontiers)
25. night laser : bitter sweet dreams (spv) cd call me what you want
29. Battlesnake : the key of solomon (holdtight)
1. goth minister : I will drink your blood (afm) pandemonium part 2
2. axel rudi pell : forever strong (spv) cd risen symbol
3. cruachan : talahm (despotz)
4/ black light discipline : russian roulette (hlp)
5. axxis : blackest vision (phonotraxx) cd comming home
6.lions share : we will rock you (eb)
7. love lorn dolls : blood moon (alphamatrix)
8.love lorn dolls : a heart cries (alphamatrix)
9. love lorn dolls : beutiful chaos(alphamatrix)
7. anvil : the truth is dying (afm)
8. serious black : mealized (afm)
9.simone simmons : aeterna (nbr)
10.marty friedman : dead of winter (frontiers)
11. Evergrey : say (napalm) cd theories of emptiness
13. feuerscwanz : war dwarf (napalm) cd warriors
14. voice : the silence of prescience (massacre) cd holy or damned
15. unleash the archers : blood empress (napalm) cd phantoma
16. sebastian bach : freedom (rpm) cd child within the man
17. silvera : sane (migthy)
18. floodfall : elevation 500 (whd)
19. Riot V : mean streets (rpm)
21. the eternal : skinwalker (rpm)
22. novelists : okapi (out of line)
23. darwin : be that man (phantom)
24. cemetery skyline : in darkness (cm)
25. reliqa : dying light (nbr)
27. shuman : some memories (asher) cd opposing mirrors
28. lyonen : wild nights (asher) cd by the sign of the road
1.rhapsody on fire : diamond claws (afm) cd challenge the wind
2.dominum : we all taste the same (napalm) cd hey living people
3. orage : betrayal (vlad) cd reborn
4. natthammer : steel warrior (hl) cd hammer of the witch band from peru
5. nestor : caroline (napalm)
6. holy mother : jerimiah (massacre)
7. unleash the archers : ghost in the mist (napalm) cd phantoma
8. unleash the archers : green and glass (napalm) cd phantoma
9.unleash the archers : seeking vengeance (napalm) cd phantoma
10.vhaldemar : dreambreaker (mdd) cd sanctyary of death
11. battering ram : the world belongs to me (uprisng)
12. induction : medusa (rpm)
13. kryptos : electrify (afm) band from India
14. ginger evil : rainmaker (frontiers)
15. spectra : freefall (frontiers)
16. Bowmen : said or done (fastball)
17. chriz doe : dark (fastball)
18. human zoo : gun 4 a while (fastball) cd echoes beyond
19. wolfen : new world order (fastball) cd reloaded
20. onlap : ghosts (afm)
21. smash atoms : into the light (m theory)
22. unto others : butterfly (cm)
23. In aevum alegre : darkness then light (morm)
24. kingdom of tyrants : diabolical (morm) cd architects of power
25. meden agan ; trapped (sr) cd my name is katharine
10. the cold stares ; horse to water (mascot)
11. nocturna ; burn the witch (scarlet) cd of sorcery and darkness
12. plan nine : ice on fire (mascot)
23. The lurking corpses : burned alive (hells headbangers) cd lurking after midnight
24. Vicious kitty : freedom (music and film)
25. birds view : come back home (drakkar)
1. unleash the archers : seeking vengeance (napalm) cd phantoma
2. grand massive : unwritten prophecy (massive) cd houses of the unholy
3. fearwell : creature of the night (hlp) cd fear of well
4. julie christmas : supernatural (red crk)
5. rage behind : the hands of revenge (rpm)
6. Anette olzon : rapture (frontiers)
7.kickin valentina : getting off (migthy) cd star spangled first fight
8.kickin valentina : dirty rythm (migthy) cd star spangled first fight
9. kickin valentina : ride or die(migthy) cd star spangled first fight
9. new horizon : king of kings (frontiers)
10. sunbomb : unbreakable (frontiers)
12. atlantis drive : medusa smile (pride and joy) cd medusa smile
11. league of distortion : my hate will go on (napalm)
13.worshipper : acid burns (mero)
14. dune : refuge (asher) cd years of chains band from saudi arabia
15. sebastian bach : hold on to the dream (rpm)
16. All for the king : the seventh seal (vlad) cd darkest before dawn
17. ataraxia : the secrets within (vlad) cd torments of reality
18. deadlock crew : no way out (vlad) cd no way out
19. mynded : the impster (vlad) cd the last sun
20. Accept : frankenstein (napalm)
21. ad infinitum : outer space (napalm)
22. flotsam and jetsam : I am the weapon (afm)
23. nightmare : nexus infernus (afm)
23. herbst : spiegel (drakkar)
5. lee aaron : tattoo (metalville) tattoo me
1.hammerfall : hail to the king (nbr)
2.4. sunburst : hollow lies (innerwounds)
3.battle beast : master of illusuin (live)(nbr)
4. wildheart : nothing but trouble
5. madhouse : never say die
6. Devicious ; fire fly
7. Tyketto : forever young
8. Trench dogs ; skulldog and headsick
9. girisch and the chronicals : loaded
10. Crash diet ; rust
11. the new roses : down by the river
13.atlantis drive ; way back when (pride and joy)
1. riot V : love beyond the grave (rpm)
2. malevolent : valhalla calling me (hlp)
3. jd miller : the butterfly (migthy)
15. anvil : feed your fantasy (afm)
16. evergrey : falling from the sun (napalm)
4.sinistro : pontas soltas
5. Manic eden : can you feel it (mascot)
6. hero : misalign (prime collective)
21. xandria : universal (napalm)
22. demon : face the master (frontiers)
38. Vain ; cold like snow (jrr) cd disintegrzte together
23. elvellon : aq vagabonds heart (napalm) cd ascending synergy
24. millenial reign bring le to life (ulterium)
1.korpiklaani : rankarumpu (nbr)
2. lesbian bed death : the mummy s tomb (whd)
3. feuerschwanz : valhalla callin (napalm)
4. alterium : drag me to hell () cd of war and flames
5.knightfall : children of time (metalmessage) cd destiny calling
6. edge of paradise ; rogue (aim for the kill) (napalm)
7. Eternal breath : master of deception (id) cd road to insanity
8. Eternal breath : unwanted son(id) cd road to insanity
9.Eternal breath : edge of the world (id) cd road to insanity
10.bat : streetbanger (nbr)
11. temperance ; join me(napalm) cd hermitage
12. signum regis : no middle gound (ulterium)
13.issa : armed and dangerous (frontiers)
14. khirky : your majesty (venerate)
15. legions of the night ; another devil (pride and joy).
16. Ivanhoe : headnut (massacre)
17. zombeast : red ripper (massacre) cd heart of darkness
18; Skroetbalg : kortste end (suburbn)
19. freedom call : symphony of avalon (spv) cd silver romance
20. zetra : starfall (nbr)
21. crownshift : my prison (nbr)
22. Lost zone : all ageain (drakkar) cd ordinary misery
23. vnter : forever never ends (rockn growl) cd unfolding
24. holy knigth : sir perceval (sr)
25. anims : the cherubims (atomic)
26. Charcoal : same old dance (m&o) cd rocks
27. pain : the pusher (nbr)
28. The eternal : deathlike silence (rpm) cd skinwalker
1. tyr : hammered (metalblade) cd battle ballads
2. cemetry skyline : violent storm (cm)
3. victorious ; total T rex terror (napalm)
4. tungsten ; walborg (rpm)
5. bloodorn : under the secret sign (reaper) cd let the fury rise
6. balance of power ; one more time around (massacre) cd fres from the abyss
7. dyscordia : hell (hlp) cd road to oblivion
8.dyscordia : oblivion (hlp) cd road to oblivion
9.dyscordia : passenger (hlp) cd road to oblivion
10. Eregion : kingdom of heaven (rockshots)
11. within temptation : a fools parade (karma)
13.bad marilyn : I die inside (metalmessage)
12. terra nullius : mgam bajnoka (whd) from hungary
14. black light discipline : russian roulette (hlp)
15. orden organ : the order of fear (rpm)
16. Hartlight ; bound to eternity (metalmssage) cd as above as below
17. Streetlight ; endless (frontiers)
18. sick and beautifull ; death police (frontiers)
19. seasons of the wolf ; hopes and feares (ironshields) cd orna verum
20. Flamekeeper : the flamekeeper (invictus) cd flamekeeper
21. night pleasure hotel : just once (atomic stuff) cd portraits
22. Black lakes : white cliffs (holdtight)
23. arkan asrafokor ; the truth (rpm) band from Togo
24. Altar of oblivion ; nothing growes on hallowed ground (from the vaults)
25. hypersonic : mother earth (rockshots) cd kaosmogonia
26. nightblaze : you are gone
1.tygers of pan tang ; keeping me alive (live)(migthy)
2. vicolo inferno ; cold surface (rockshots) cd circles
3. doro: lean mean rockmachine (nbr)
4. all for metal : gods of metal (rpm)
5. Symakya ; horses of apollo (whd) cd project 11 the landing
6. nightmare : saviours of the demned (afm) cd encrypted
7. accept : the reckoning (napalm)
8.evergrey : omnious (napalm) cd a heartless portait
9. kryptos ; turn up the heat (afm) cd decimator band uit India
10. glyph ; march of the northern clan () cd honor power and glory
11. souls of diotima : another day in paradise (diotima)
12. black light discipline : russian roulette (hlp)
13.A somerset parade : beyond the ropes (whd)
14. khirki : father wind (all noir)
15. ivory tower ; black rain (massacre) cd hearty rain
16. Bloodbound : the warlocks trail (live) (afm)
17. blackbriar : moonflower (nbr)
18.rhapsody on fire : challenge the wind (afm)
19. Kickin valnetina : dirty rythm (migthy) in mei in de asgaard in gent
20. nestor : victorious (napalm) cd teenage rebel
22. Anette olzon : day of wrath (frontiers)
23. praying mantis : standing tall (frontiers)
24. Vandenplas ; the sacriligious time machine (frontiers)
25. universe III : to serve and protect (pride and joy) cd universe III
26. LOst in grey : the bottomless pit (el puerto) cd odyssey into grey
27. Holy mother : fire (massacre)
1.kamelot ; nightsky (napalm) cd the awakening
2.Thornbridge : daydream illusion (massacre) cd daydream illusion
3. alestorm : uzbekistan (napalm)
4.new horizon : daimyo (frontiers)
5.moonshot : the power (reaper) cd the power
6. lesbien bed death ; rythm of the kill (whd) cd midnight lust
7. hammerking : the devil will I do (napalm) cd konig und kaiser
8.hammerking : konig und kaiser (napalm) cd konig und kaiser
9. hammerking : hailed by the hammer (napalm) cd konig und kaiser
10 speedlimit ; telling a tale (echozone)
11.big sun : directions (migthy)
12. lode star : never die (plus) cd polaris
13. eleine : promise of apocalypse (rpm)
14. blue oyster cult : don't come running (frontiers)
15. loch vostock : the great wide open (vicisolum)
16. the loyal cheaters ; can't go out (all noir)
17. treatment : let us wake up this town (frontiers)
18. Ivanhoe : headnut (massacre) cd healed by the sun
19. tyran : fists of iron (iron shields) cd tyrans oath
20. Junkyard drive : shoot from the hip (migthy) cd look at me now
21. Four stroke baron : the witch radio (prosthetic)
22. unleash the archers : ghosts in the mist (napalm) cd phantoma
23. Hartlight : as abova so below (metalmessage)
24. visions of atlantis : armada (napalm) cd pirates II
25.treasure seeker ; too late for living (ulterium) cd a tribute ot the past
26. Unshine : arrival of aurochs (rockshots) cd karn of burnings
1.eternal breath : master of deception (eb) cd road to insanity
2. king zebra ; children of the night (frontiers)
3. sonata artica ; california (rpm) cd clear cold beyond
4.seven spires ; almosstown (frontiers)
5.all for metal : rock you like a hurricane (afm)
6. dragonforce : burning heart (napalm)
7. the sonic redemption : madcap doctor (hlp)
8;the sonic redemption : gods of the nebula (hlp)
9.the sonic redemption : dream machine (hlp)
10.rendezvous point l don 't look up (frontiers)
11. kissing dynamite ; raise your glass (napalm)
12.korpiklaani : oraakkelit (nbr)
13.slash : killing floor '(aces high)
14.pain : go with the flow (nbr)
15.marko hietala and Tarja : left on mars (nbr)
16.goth minister : one dark happy nation (afm)
17.dianne van giesbergen a symphonic tragedy (aces high)
18.elvellon :: a vagabonds heart
19.sebastian bach : everybody bleeds (rpm) cd child within the man
20. inner axxis ; evil death (echozone) cd midnight forces
21. onlap : never too late (afm)
2. angra; here in the now (rpm) cd cycls of pain
23. herbst : nie wieder (drakar)
24.hyldr : your frozen chest () cd order of the myst
26. greystone ; wa all become yesterday () cd iron oak
27thalia : the river of books
28. . wytch hazel : ride on
1. the gems : queens (napalm) cd phoenix
2. Balance of power : abyss (massacre) cd fresh from the abyss
3. tonic breed : strife (asher)
4. lynx : shake it up (asheer) cd claws out
5. riffless : ghost is a woman (m&o) cd ghost is a woman
6. SORM : under my skin (noble demon) ft doug blair from WASP
7. pirate queen : pirates from the sea (despotz) cd ghosts
8.pirate queen : ghost (despotz) cd ghosts
9.pirate queen : santa lucia (despotz) cd ghosts
10.ivanhoe : one ticket to paradise (massacre)
11. Monogon ; through the night (vlad) cd monogon
12. never elected : so damn easy (asher) cd turbulent
13.thornbridge i am the storm (massacre) cd daydream illusion
14. captain blackbeard : chain of love (migthy)
15. k k s priest ; keeper of the graves (napalm) cd the sinner rides again
16. Ivory tower : 60 seconds (massacre)
17. Creeper ; lovers led astray (holdtight)
18. Lost zone ; foreshadowing (drakkar)
19. temperance ; welcome to the heritage (napalm)
20. Feuerschwanz : the unholy grail (napalm)
21. Hardraw ; crime reborn (pitch blac) cd abyss of mankind band from cyprus
22. Knights of heliopolis : adeptus astrates (metalmessage)
21. blind channel : xoxo (cm)
22. Whom gods destroy : crawl (cm)
23. Wheel ; charismatic leaders (cm)
19. rob moore : cry of the warrior (lion) cd rob moores guitar destruction
1.accept : humanoid (accept)
2. stormborn ; fear of a monster (rockshots) cd zenith
3. pirate queen : ghosts (rock shots) cd ghost
4. quantum : on the verge (blacklodge) cd down the mountainside
5. alicate : under the gun (pride and joy) cd heaven tonight
6. a never ending johns dream : equilibrium (pride and jy) cd equilibrium
7.cathubodua :amidst gods (massacre) cd interbellum
8.cathubodua :effigy of ftermath (massacre) cd interbellum
9.cathubodua : fortelling (massacre) cd interbellum
22. ivory tower : heavy ride(massacre) cd hearty rain
23.doro : horns up high (nbr)
24. scarefield ; altar of fear (plus) cd a quiet country
10.rage ; under a black crown (spv) cd afterlife lines
11/ judas priest : the serpent and the king (aces high)
12.vandenplas : my icarian flight (frontiers)
13.13.inner axis : master and comander (echozone)
14. Stormhunter : alter of illusions (mdd) cd best before death
15. anette olzon : heed the call (frontiers)
16. The vision bleak ; weird tales chapter 2 (prophecy)
17. kikin valentina : ride or die (migthy) op 16 mei asgaard
18. Zombeast : red reaper (massacre) cd heart of darkness
19. Ayreon ; sixth extinction(live)(mascot)
20. kryptos : decimator (afm) band from India
21. rhapsody of fire : challenge the wind (afm) cd challenge the wind
21. fatal fire : ashes remain (mdd) cd arson
1.orden organ : my worst enemy (rpm)
2. lionshare ; live forever (notaorious)
3. Silvera : world behind doors (migthy)
4. amaranthe : catalyst (nbr)
5.leaves eyes : in eternity (afm)
6.hammerking : the devil will I do (napalm)
7.throne of thorns ; atomic retribution (roar) converging parallell worlds
8.throne of thorns ; converging paralellworlds (roar) converging parallell worlds
9.throne of thorns ; stormmaker (roar) converging parallell worlds
10. throne of thorns ; underworld (roar) converging parallell worlds
14.wolfen reloaded : rise of the machines (echozone)
15. Human zoo : when you fall in love (live)(echozone
16. Primal fear : if looks could kill (rpm)
17. anubis : priestess of dark paradise (grand sounds) cd dark paradise
18. sum 41 : waiting on a twist of fate (piimp)
19.alcest : l envol (nbr)
20. While she sleeps : to the flowers (spinefarm)
21. lucide : vortex (m&o) cd l adversaire
22; shrapnel : amber screams (holdtight)
23. Take offense : greetings from below (holdtight)
24. Reliqa : terminal (nbr)
24. Heavy temple : hiraeth (mer) cd garden of heathens
25. emergency rule : bartender (whd)
26. midnight hellion : phantomland (cmm) cd kingdom immortal
1/ tygers of pan tang : gang land (live) (mighty)
2.ivory tower : 60 seconds (massacre)
3. eternal breath : unwanted son (eb)
4. Stormwarning ; sweet true lies (frontiers)
5. exit eden : desancantee (napalm) cd femmes fatales
6. witherfall : what have you done (pettingzoo)
7. leaves eyes : realms of dark waves (afm) cd myths of fate
8.leaves eyes : who wants to live forever (afm) cd myths of fate
9.leaves eyes : forged by fire (afm) cd myths of fate
10.sebastian bach : what do I got to loose (rpm)
11. blaze bayley : mindreader (bbr)
12. dragonforce : wildest dreams (napalm)
13. moonshot : shadow boxer (reaper) cd the power
14. doro : heart i n Pain (nbr)
15. bloodbound : the warlocks trail (live) (afm) cd the tales of nosferatu -2 decades of bloodbound
16.alterium : crystalline (afm)
17. korpiklaani:aita (nbr)
18. The end machine : killer of the night (frontiers)
19. Alestorm ; voyage of the dead maroder (napalm)
20.unleash the archers ; green and glass (napalm) cd phantoma
21. lipz : changing the melody (frontiers)
22. throne of thorns : black diamond (hlp) cd concerging paralell worlds
23. vincinity : distance (uprising)
24. Thornbridge ; my last desire (massacre) cd daydream illusion
1.sonata artica : dark empath (rpm)
2. Blood opera : be my victim (asher) cd sings in the key of death
3.jd miller : one in a million (migthy)
4. Blue oyster cult : so supernatural (frontiers)
4. the darker my horizon : down (eb) op 2 maart in de crossover
4. far beyond : fast forward (hlp)
4. blaze bayley : ters in rain (eb) op 1 mart in de spirit 66 verviers
5. Temperance : full of memories (napalm)
6. Artificial language : skin walker (holdtight)
7. firewind : chains (afm)
8.saxon : fire and steel ()
9.ecclesia : if she floats (aural) cd ecclesia militants
10. battlesnake ; motorsteeple (holdtight)
11. feuerschwanz : highlander (napalm)
12. Balance of aower ; never be here again (massacre) cd fresh from the abyss
13.lordi ; dead again jayne (rpm) cd screem writers guild
14. combi christ : planet doom (out of line)
15. Arion ; wings of twillight (afm)
16. King zebra : dina (frontiers)
17. Tims favourite : that darkness (hlp) cd ammaconda
18. Scrape ; shake the nation (polder) cd shake the nation
19. Iron savior : raising hell (afm)
20. Hartlight : the land of the star (metalmessage) cd as above so below
21. Hell mut lotti : the darkness ()
22. beond the labyrinth : haunted hius
23. Goth minister : we come alive (afm)
25. My dying bride ; thornwyck hymn (nbr)
26. Mr mysery : hand of death (afm)
27. Loch vostok : distant assistance (vicisolum)
1. Goth minister : we come alive (afm)
2. Exelerate : headfirst ino the void (from the vaults)
3. Blaze bayley : tears in the rain (rock sektro) cd circle of stone
4. leaves eyes : who wants to live forever (afm) cd myths of fate
5. jupiter hollow : cohesion (asher)
6. turbulence : corrosion (frontiers)
7.Vincinity : purpose (uprising)
8. dymytry : legends never die (afm)
9. Heavy temple : indifference to life (all noir)
10.royal tusk : hated (holdtight)
11. rivetskull : hellbound (asher) cd abscence of time
12. beyond god : cronos (whd)
13.face the legacy : straight down to hell (out of ine)
14.U D O / fight for the right (rpm) cd touchdown
15. Elettra storm, : redemption (scarlet) cd powerlords
16. vlad in tears : broken bones (metalville) cd relapse
17. Lesbian bed death : horrors of the grand hotel (whd)
18. Onlap : afterglow (afm)
19. Leah : no more fear (ex cathera) cd the glory and the fallen
20. Malevolent : creations (hlp)
21. About us : fortitude (frontiers)
22. kerry king: idle hands (rpm) cd from hell rise
23. brume : jimmy (mero)
24. Bastion rose ; fade to blue (epitronic) cd fde to blue
20. marble ghost : old school (asher)
23. true north : still enough (out of line)
24. Crownshift : if you dare (nbr)
25. witchorious : the witch (grandsounds)
1. thundermother : speaking of the devil (afm)
2.masterplan : rise again (afm)
3. Lords of black : for what is owed to us (frontiers)
4. Exist immortal : play pretend (holdtight)
5. alterium : crossroads inn (afm)
6. crucible : savage weapon (from the vaults) ep savage weapon
7. skeptikal minds : dessert (hlp) cd kharon
8.skeptikal minds : compass (hlp) cd kharon
9.skeptikal minds : rebels (hlp) cd kharon
10.violet eternal : the echoes of time (rockshot) cd reload teh violet
11. throne of thorns ; atomic retribution (roar/hlp)
12. corroded ; rain (despotz)
13.sonata artica ; dark empath (rpm)
14.scott stapp : deadman s trigger (napalm)
15. riot V : feel the fire (rpm) cd mean streets
16. amongst liars : alibi (ae)
17. peter wilson ; mountain (dr music) cd freedom s door
18. satra : from the night (m&o)
19. Saxon ; supercharger
19. marco cusato : pain of salvation (sr) cd untamed souls
20. atkins may project ; traitors hand (sr) cd serpents kiss
21. graywitch : children of gods (sr) cd children of gods
22. persona non grata : divine (m&o) cd persona non grata
23. Ronnie romero : vengeance (frontiers)
24. Black oak country ; save your breath (migthy)
25. cathubodua : effigy of aftermath (massacre) cd interbellum
1. the gems : fruits of my labor (napalm) cd phoenix
2. durban : hallows (frontiers)
3. Dool : hermagorgon (prophecy)
4. the treatment ; back to the 1970s (frontier
5. knigts of heliopolis : The planewalkers (metlmessage)
6. Cruzh ; fl89 (frontiers)
7.exit eden: run (napalm) cd femmes fatales
8.exit eden:eperat ways (napalm) cd femmes fatales
9exit eden: femme fatale (napalm) cd femmes fatales
10. dragon force ; astro warrior anthem (napalm)
2.the end machine : silent winer (frontiers)
5.doro : the four horsemen (nbr)
6.korpiklaani : saunan (nbr)
10. Judas priest ; crown of thorns (sony)
11. matney : all fired up (roulette)
12. Metalite : expedition one (afm) cd expedition one
13.advocacy ; prayer for the reckless (uprising) cd the path of decoherence
14. nubian rose ; dramatic day (carg) cd amen
15. artillery : by inheritance (live)(migthy)
16. hvalross : ruuning the gauntlett (hlp)
17. Frontrow warriors : chasing shadows (metalmessage) cd wheel of fortune
18. Hellmut lotti : the darkness (karma)
19. Honeymoon suite ; find what you are looking for (frontiers)
20. palooka : save yourself (asher)
1.firewind : fallen angel (afm)
2.exit eden : femmes fatales (napalm) cd femmes fatales
3. turbulence : hybrid (frontiers)
4. ryujin : saigo no hoshi (napalm)
5. Silver mountain : call of the mords (regain) cd universe
6. smokin snakes : angels calling (frontiers)
7. ignite : done digging grave (cm)
8.pirate queen : ghost (despotz)
9. slope : why sad (cm)freak dreams
10. emil bulls : levitate (ae)
11. alterium : of war and flames (afm) cd of war and flames
12. blaze bayley ; circle of stone (blaze b records)
13.voyager x ; hypnotize you (dr music)
14. ashes of billy ; feel you around (prime collective)
15. eves bite : the figther (m&o)
15. amarnthe : re vision (nbr)
16. lucifer : maculate heart (nbr)
17. Suicidal angels : purified by fire (nbr)
18.ruthless : the fallen (fireflash)
19. hammerking : hailed by the hammer (napalm) cd koning und kaiser
20.crazy lixx : ain t no rest in rock n roll (frontiers)
21. leaves eyes : realms of dark waves (afm)
22. per wiberg : dead sky lullaby (despotz)
23. beyond the labytinth ; haunted house (btl)
24. Boskat (feat rudeboy - urban dancesquad) : boiler (suburban)
25. black swamp water : revenant (migthy)
26. metal de facto ; code of the samurai (asher) cd land of the rsing sun
27. . Villain of the story : decade (out of line)
28. eregion : kingdom of heaven (rockshots)
1.sabaton : primo victoria (black lodge)
2. silvera : death of me (migthy)
3. Ruthless dark passenger (fireflash) cd the fallen
4. Lionheart : fight (metalville) cd the grace of a dragonfly
5. rifforea : sea of pain (metalville) cd axe orcism
6. Fierce justice ; rage (vlad) cd fireborn
7. the gems : phoenix (napalm) cd phoenix
8.the gems : phoenix (napalm) cd phoenix
9.the gems : send me to the wolves (napalm) cd phoenix
10. judas priest ; panic attack (sony)
10. cathuboda foretelling (massacre) cd interbellum
11 lesbian bethdeath : roadkill (whd)
12. Godthrymm : echoes (profound lore)
1'. Ronnie atkins : trinity (frontiers)
2. ohmwork : a drift (rob mule)
3. Sam mooradian : bad brain (ashr) cd bad brain instrumental
4. vicious kitty = mr darkness (musik and film)
6. Antipod : nouvelle ere (whd)
7. ameliorate; control (whd) cd master master
8. Triskelyon : visionaires (asheer) cd artificial insanity
9. leave : dead reams (out of line)
20. Emergency rule : corporation (whd)
2l.lipz : bye bye beautiful (frontiers)
22.danielle brusachetto : the clan (whd) cd bruise a shadow µ
23. Illumishade ; cloudreader (napalm) cd anotheer side of you
24. speed limit : hit the wall (nrt) ep hit the wall
21. Tardigrade inferno: clockwork god (tsm) cd burn the circus
1;.riot V : high noon (atomic fire)
2.arched fire : wings of chrome (whd)
3. marble ghost l alone (asher)
4. Twisted rose : greed 4 speed (7hard)
5. scold s bridle : echo in the dark (vlad) cd scold s bridle
6. cobra kill : razor blade (frontiers)
7. vega : battlelines (frontiers)
8. vypera : speeding (frontiers)
9.phil campbell and the bastrds sons : schizophrenia (nbr)
10 distorted reflection : ring of fire(iron shields) cd doom rules eternaly
11. black flow : society worm (personal) cd seeds of down fall
12.smoking snakes : sole survivor (frontiers)
13.never elected : tolerance broken (grandsounds) cd turbelent
14. vendetta : black as coal (massacre)
15. scream maker can't stop the rain (frontiers)
16. withering scorn ; dark reflection (frontiers)
17. . Krysaor ; abyss of oblivion (m&à) cd krysaor
14. abslova : all alone (rock sector) cd never a good day to die - live
15. rave the requiem ; zero solace (out of line) cd ex eden
16. FKU : the spawning (despotz)
17. manticora : mycelium (migthy)
18. lamori : ave valkyria (whd)
19. electus : destiny (plus) cd episode IV
20. social disorder : high on life (pride and joy) cd time to rise
21. arkado : open sea (pride and joy) cd open sea
22. a sommerset parade: invader summer (whd) cd carcosa
23. scarleth : when the day comes (rockshots)
24. Arch blade : factory of sin (rockshot)
24. michael catton ; armageddon again (migthy)
24. Before the dawn : chains (napalm) cd stormbringers
24. Induction : a call beyond (atomic fire)
1. sonata artica : a monster only you can see (atomic fire)
2. emergency rule : garden (whd)
3. andry : skies (aces high)
4. The rods : play it loud (massacre) cd rattle the cage
5. Russel guns : tell me why (frontiers)
6. thorsdale : ain't the end of my rope (grandsounds)
7. therion : nummo (napalm)
8. therion : ayahuasca (napalm)
9. therion ruler of tamag (napalm)
10. ponte del diavolo : covenant (som) cd fireblades from the tomb
11. H Valross : helios (hlp)
12. Xavier Boscher : draconian (eb) cd starseeds II
13. dominum : hey living people (napalm)
14.eve s bite : the figther (m&o) cd blessed in hell
15. throne of thorns : underworld (hlp) cd converging parallel worlds
16. Die apokalyptische reiter : adler fiegen (nbr)
17. doro : true metal maniacs (nbr)
18. pan dora s key : falls the shadow (hlp)
19. els foc negres (= blackfire) : nacio metall (mom) cd martiris carnivors
20.shaytan : darvaza (mom) cd chapter 1
21.stuka squadron : destroyer of worlds (mom) cd zeppelin
22.olathia : the forst witch (vlad) cd the forest witch
23. all for metal : run (afm) cd ledgends
24. Dust bolt : disco nection (afm)
25. Revolution saints : against the wind (frontiers)
26. manticora : mycelium (migthy)
1.warkings : ragnar (napalm) cd revolution
2. amplifire ; geronimo (vlad) cd bloodbath revoltution
3. danielle brusacheto : alla luna (whd)
4. ron coolen and keith saint john : you are just a best dream (eb) cd here to stay
5. bastion rose : coming for you (epitronic)
6. coda : into the night (sip)
7.within temptation : ritual (eb) cd bleed out
8.within temptation : wireless (eb) cd bleed out
9.within temptation : bleed out (eb) cd bleed out
10. illuminishade : here we are (napalm)
11. Factor 8 : the tower (vlad)
12. mean to you : trivial fantasy (hlp) cd what could heve been
13. takida : third strike (napalm) cd the agony flame
14. Sebastian bach ; what do I have to ose (rpm)
15. gloryhammer ; migthy wings (napalm)
16. Nighthawk : action (live) (mighty) cd live
17. shakra : angels landing (afm)
18. Trick or treat : have a nice judgement day (live)(scarlet) cd a creepy night live
19. nightmare : eternal winter (afm)
20. sonata artica ; a monster only you can't see atomioc fire)
21. ruthless ; soldiers of steel (fireflash)
22. Malevolent : gaze (hlp)
23. Sons of eternity : dark orbit (massacre) cd end of silence
24. crazy lixx : sword and stone (frontiers)
25. exit eden : seperate ways (napalm)
26. therion : nummo (napalm)
27. ravenstine : a long way home (massacre)
28. durbin : screaming steel (frontiers)
1. lord of the lost : the look (napalm) roxette cover
2. bruce dickinson : afterglow of ragnarock (pimp)
3. metal cross and meridian : merry bloody christmass (from the vault)
4. Jack russel/tracii guns : next in line (frontiers) cd medusa
5. sons of eternity : media zombie (massacre) cd end of silence
6. scott stapp : black buterfly (napalm)
7. thorium : across the nations (hlp)
8.thorium : nightfall (hlp)
9 thorium : bushido (hlp)
10. dragonforce : doomsday party (napalm) + elize ryd van Amaranthe
12. judicator : the curse of feanor (asher) cd I am the void
11. dogma : made her mine (holdtight)
13.nubian rose ; break down the walls (cargo) cd amen
14. vicious kitty : mrs claus (musik and film)
15. ravenstine : black is the brigthest (massacre) cd 2024
16. lazarus dream : vultures cry (pride and joy) cd imaginary life
17.riot V : high noon (atomic fire) cd mean streats
18. Hyde : hammer of doom (malperpesita) cd ardwena
19. a somerset parae : invader summer (whd) cd caracosa
20. blind channel : die another day (cm)
21. heavens guardian the sirens of the past (sr) cd chronos
22. conspiracy of blackness : rise (whd)
23. Deaf rat : say your lies (all noir)
24. Devin townsend : christeen (inside out) cd infinity : 25th aniversary
25. cobra kill : same old nasty rock n roll (frontiers)
26. The grandmaster : watching the end (frontiers)
1. lord of the lost : the look (napalm) roxette cover
2. bruce dickinson : afterglow of ragnarock (pimp)
3. metal cross and meridian : merry bloody christmass (from the vault)
4. Jack russel/tracii guns : next in line (frontiers) cd medusa
5. sons of eternity : media zombie (massacre) cd end of silence
6. scott stapp : black buterfly (napalm)
7. thorium : across the nations (hlp)
8.thorium : nightfall (hlp)
9 thorium : bushido (hlp)
10. dragonforce : doomsday party (napalm) + elize ryd van Amaranthe
12. judicator : the curse of feanor (asher) cd I am the void
11. dogma : made her mine (holdtight)
13.nubian rose ; break down the walls (cargo) cd amen
14. vicious kitty : mrs claus (musik and film)
15. ravenstine : black is the brigthest (massacre) cd 2024
16. lazarus dream : vultures cry (pride and joy) cd imaginary life
17.riot V : high noon (atomic fire) cd mean streats
18. Hyde : hammer of doom (malperpesita) cd ardwena
19. a somerset parae : invader summer (whd) cd caracosa
20. blind channel : die another day (cm)
21. heavens guardian the sirens of the past (sr) cd chronos
22. conspiracy of blackness : rise (whd)
23. Deaf rat : say your lies (all noir)
24. Devin townsend : christeen (inside out) cd infinity : 25th aniversary
25. cobra kill : same old nasty rock n roll (frontiers)
26. The grandmaster : watching the end (frontiers)
1.therion : ayahuasca (napalm)
2. judas priest : trial by fire (aces high)
3. fifth note : here we are (frontiers)
4. The darkest moments : aches (prime collective) cd love and loss
5. Twisted tower dire : the isle of hydra (grand sounds ) cd the isle of hydra
6. sonatica : first in line (atomic fire) cd clear cold beyond
7.Cobra spell : s e x (napalm) cd 666
8.Cobra spell : the devil inside me (napalm) cd 666
9.Cobra spell : warrior from hell (napalm) d 666
10.metal de facto : code of the samurai (rockshots)
11. cassidy paris : walking on fire (frontiers)
14. firewind : come undone (afm)
15. ever dawn : century black (frontiers)
16. lancaster ; the arrow (asher) cd hell campaign
17. six foot six : tears (scarlet) cd beggar s hill
18. slope : its ticking (cm)
19. Alterium : sirens call (afm)
20. beyond god : a sirens cry (whd)
21. gotus : taka me to the mountain (frontiers)
22. pirate queen; piraes frm the sea (despotz)
23. wicked maraya : chapter 3 (massacre) cd chapters
24. Metalite ; aurora (afm) cd expiditon one
25. Weeping silence ; the collector (all noir) from malta
26. fku : the spawning (despotz)
13.peter wilson : broken (dr music) cd freedom s door
14. Vipassi : morningstar (som) cd lightness - instrumentaal
1.thorium : nightfall (hlp)
2. Street figther : dead end city (from the vaults))
3. under the oak ; loyal to the core (whd)
4. Striker : circle of evil (asher)
5. takida : third strike (napalm) cd the agony flame
6. Kami van Halst : my alice (asher
7. goth minister : battle of the underground (afm) cd pandemonium
8. goth minister : i am the devil (afm) cd pandemonium
9. goth minister : demons (afm) cd pandemonium
10. Vigilant : the sacrament (vice) cd opression dramatic surge
11. xandria : your stories I ll remember (napalm) cd the wonders still awaiting
11. The curse of sahara ; cheap luv (helter skelter) klinkt very old school
12. Amaranthe : outer dimensions (nbr)
13.Warship ; between life and death (sr) cd the third wave
14. reach : mama mama (icea)
15. aggression : song 666 (massacre) cd frozen aggressors
16. Axenstar : no surrender (inner wound) cd chapeter VIII
17. schattenman : komet (afm) udo lindenberg cover
18. aaron cravens : pray for us (whd)
19. dgm : dominate (frontiers) cd life
20. Dool ; be your sins (live)(prophecy)
21. malvolent : gaze (hlp)
22. Mother misery : the phoenix (metalmessage) cd from the shadow to the ghost
23. crazy lixx : fire it up (frontiers)
16. eldritch : handful of sand (scarlet) cd innervoid
17. voyager X : magic (dr music) cd magic
18. grave digger ; ride on (vice) cd the forgotten years
1.lord of the lost : shock the system (napalm) cd weapons of mass sducton, billy idol cover
2. judas priest : panic attack (aces high)
3. Captain black beard : blue collar man (migthy)
4. trapeze : breakdown (metalville) cd lost tapes vol 1
5. edge of forever ; water be my path (frontiers)
6. belle morte : september (whd)
7.kontrust : the end (napalm) cd madworld
8.kontrust : I physcally like you (napalm) cd madworld
9.kontrust : lederhosen overkill (napalm) cd madworld
10. dust bolt : burning pieces (afm)
11. angra : ride into the storm (atomic fire) cd cycles of pain
12. lynch mob : Synner (frontiers)
13. immortal guardian : unite and conquer (massacre)
15. korpiklaani : gotta go home (nbr)
16. Toledo steel ; amlcatraz
17. Steelover : need the heat (mausoleu)
18. Existance ; power of the gods
19. Vengance : arabia
20. Exumer ; raptor
21. onslaught : hammers fall
22. Angel witch : we are damned (metalblade)
22. the rods ; rattle the cage (massacre)
14. ryujin : rainbow song (napalm)
19. the gems : psycho (napalm) cd phoenix
20. Hvalross : mercenary king (hlp)
1. cobra spell : the devil inside me (napalm) cd 666
2. deully : this is it (whd)
3. Secret rule : disorder (lucky bob) cd universe
4. constructing infinity ; inner weather (holdtight) instrumental
5. angra : vida seca (atomic fire) cd cycles of pain
6. Masterplan : enlighten me (afm) masterplan anniversary zedition
7. kontrust : lederhosen overkill (napalm) cd madworld
8. the darkness : I bemieve in a thin called love ()22 nov in de AB in brussel
9. battlebeast : wings of light (nbr) 23 nov in kava in Antwerpen
10. fate : children of the night (frontiers)
11. The fixer : smoke show (whd) cd your lie
12. Louderyel : toxic love (atomic fire)
13. dogma : carnal liberation (holdtight)
14. elm street ; take the night (massacre) cd the great tribulation
15. thunermother ; I left my license in the future (afm)
16. Blackflow : iron to rust (personal) cd seeds of downfall
17. Hard excess : church is a doll house (rock n growl) cd the nations dust
18. Draconicon ; thorns (innerwounds) cd pestilence
19. evergrey : recreation day (live)(napalm) cd live at Lyon
20. voodoo circle : sweet devotion (afm)
21. Bazooka troopaz : hard tocket to hawaii (rock n growl) cd bombs babes abd bazookas
22. Destructor : iron clad (shadow kingdom) cd blood bone and fire
23. screammaker : perpetual burning (frontiers)
24. howling giant ; siren song (magnetic) cd glas future
25. green lung : hunters in the sky (nbr)
26. winterstorm ; future times (afm) cd everfrost
27. Time child : buried in autumn (migthy) cdblossom plague
28. Street figther : dead end city (from the vaults))
1 serenity : the end of babylon (napalm)
2. exit eden ; run (napalm) cd femmes fatales
3. gothminister battle of the inderworlds (afm)
4. Gabriele bellini ; resilient moment (neecee)
5. landsdowne : bury me (afm)
6. Ronnie romero : too many lies too many masters (frontiers)
7.theocracy : mosaic (atomic fire) cd mosaic
8.theocracy : return to dust (atomic fire) cd mosaic
9.theocracy : flicker (atomic fire) cd mosaic
10. Kardang : don't let me drive (kardang) cd rizly biznizz
11. Sons of eternity ; in silence (massacre) cd end of silence
12. viva la wolfe : justice (m&o) cd prosperity
13. signum regis ; ministry of truth (ulterium)
14.Myrkur : blazing sky (relapse) cd spine
15. .lucifer ;at the mortuary (nbr)
16. Shocker : injecting the parasit (hlp)
17. Aeveris : scepter (hlp)
18. Thorium : across the nations (freya)
17. lost alone ; I am a fire that you can t put out (holdtight)
18. secret sphere : confession (frontiers)
19.dmg : to the core (frontiers)
20. savage blood : warriors of the fortress (mdd) cd wheel of time
23. orphaned land ; the cave (live) (cm) cd a heaven you may create
1.firewind : salvation day (afm) cd stand united
2. wolfskull : dark spirit (metalmessage) cd hexum
3 The darkest moments : sorrow (prime coll)
4. fifth note : always love you (frontiers)
5. cassidy ^paris : danger (frontiers)
6. oz : under cover (massacre)
7.ironborn: after the flood (hlp) cd after the flood
8.ironborn: lillith (hlp) cd after the flood
9.ironborn: bloodbound (hlp) cd after the flood
10. Speed limit : shine brigther than the sun (nrt)
11. green lung : one for sorrow (nbr)
12. rainmaker : father of your sins (pride and joy) cd rainmaker
13.south of salem : left for death (holdtight)
14. earthside : pattern of rebirth (mascot)
15. Archangel : take my soul (scarlet) cd total dark sublime
16. dragonforce ; power of the triforce (napalm)
17. cirith ungol ; relentless (metalblade) cd dark parade
18. Crazy lixx : lights out (frontiers)
19.therion : ruler of tamag (napalm) cd leviathan III
20. dymytry : enemy list (afm)
21. Final strike : finding pieces (reaper) cd finding pieces
22. ignescent : monster (frontiers)
23. Sorcerer : reign of the reaper (metalblade) cd sign of the reaper
24. Temperance : darkness is just drawning (npalm) cd daruma s eyes
25. michael catton : gas on the fire (migthy) cd point of no return
26. Conspiracy of blackness afterlife (whd)
1.marc hudson : dracula X (napalm) cd starbound stories
2. sons of eternity : in silence (massacre) cd end of silence
3/ coreleone : sister moon (live) (metalville)
4. firewind : destiny is calling (afm)
5. lord vulture : taiga (live)(hlp) cd live m up
6. big sun : I was loving you (migthy)
7.shocker : injecting the parasite (hlp) cd fractured visions of the mind
8.shocker : stranded o the borderline (hlp) cd fractured visions of the mind
9.shocker : where shrinking violets grow (hlp) cd fractured visions of the mind
10. care of night : tonight (frontiers)
10. Theocracy : flicker (atomic fire) cd mosaic
11. immortal guardian: rise of the phoenix (massacre) cd unite and conquer
12. powerwolf ; wolves of war (napalm)
13.axenstar : the flame of victory (innerwounds)
14. sonata artica : first in line (atomic fire) cd clear cold beyond
15. war curse : fortress of agony metalblade)
16. Vola ; paper wolf (mascot)
17. scott stapp : what I deserve (napalm) cd highe rpower
18. everdawn : cassiopeia (frontiers)
19. game over : the cult (scarlet) cd hell frames
20. odd palace ; cyclone (prime collective) cd anthropocene
21. gama bomb : rusted gold (holdtight)
23. amorphis : the bee (atomic fire)
24. Blactoothed : carried away (ae)
25. the vintage caravan : on the run (live) (napalm) cd the onuments
1.eleine : blood in their eyes (atomic)
2. dissona ; the prodigal sion (earache)
3. lost zone : fighting demons (drakkar)
4. myrkur : valkyriernes sang (relapse)
5. metalite ; new generation (afm) cd expzsition one
6. Seventh crystal : memory lane (frontiers)
7.serenity : fall of man (napalm) cd nemesis AD
8.serenity : refelctions (napalm) cd nemesis AD
9.serenity : ritter tod und teufel (napalm) cd nemesis AD
10. torian ; devilon (massacre)
11.odd crew : in silence (drakkar)
11. Elegy of madness ; hybrid love (scarlet) cd XI
12. Iron savior ; togheter as one (afm) cd firestarter
13.conquer divide ; new heaven (mascot)
14. epica : code of life (live)(nbr)
15. vandenberg : sin (mascot)
16.lord of the lost : one last song (napalm) cd blood and glitter
17. blackstone cherry : smile (mascot)
18. true north ; I dragged us in (out of line)
19. shakra : what you see (afm)
20. Dustbolt ; new flame (afm)
21. satan s fall : garden of fire (spv) cd destination destruction
22. hunter : wicked (hlp)
23. deacon street project ; radio (pride and justice) cd one and two
24. alterium : bismarck (afm) sabaton cover
25. Rave the requiem ; ofelia (out of line) cd ex eden
Dangerzone 16.10.2023
1.amaranthe insatiable (nbr)
2. dominum : Danger danger (napalm)
3. Secret sphere : blackened heart (frontiers)
4. serenity ; reflections (napalm) cd nemesis ad
5. hugo s voyage ; don't wanna liv without your love (frontier
6. svartanatt ; mad stranger (sign) cd last days on earth
7.interview hardrock market deel 1
8.10 rogue : revolution calling (eb)
9.interview hardrock market deel 2
10.kk s priest ; hymn 66 (napalm) cd the sinner rides again
10. Esprit d air : the troope (eb) with tim ripper band from Japan
11.elm street : price of war (massacre) cd the great tribulation
12.fate : butterfly (frontiers)
13.panic waves promise (easthaven)
14. draconicon : thorns (innerwounds)
15. blackbriar ; spirit of forgetfulness (nbr)
16.temple balls ; dead weight (frontiers)
17. Sole driver : rise again (frontiers)
18. Within temptation : ritual (pimp)
19. last in time : the way to rock (asher) cd too late
20. Corroded : rain (despotz) cd the plague
21.shocker ; injecting the parasite (hlp) cd fractured visons of the mind
21. The gems : send me to the wolves (napalm)
21. jd miller : out of control (migthy)
21. MHA : no surrender (migthy)
21. vordona : dark moons (gransounds) cd quadrivarium
22. daniele brusaschetto ; sideral black (whd)
23. zornheym : garde le diable elaogné (noble demon)
24. shining : Fedelis ad mortem (holdtight)
Dangerzone 09.10.2023
1. lord of the lost : no respect for disrespect (napalm)
2. Dragonfore : doomsday party (napalm)
3. semblant : the human eclipse (frontiers)
4. Death dealer union ; initiation (napalm)
5. temperance : no return (napalm)
6.lord vulture : taiga (hlp)(live) cd livem up
7. amorphis : halo (atomic fire) cd halo
8.amorphis : the moon (atomic fire) cd halo
9.amorphis : wrong direction (live) (atomic fire)
10.corroded : the more things change (despotz)
11. front row warriors : chasing shadows (metalmessage) cd wheel of fortune
11. Cobra spell : sex (napalm) cd 666
12. Ironborn ;ter the flood (hlp) cd after the flood
13.dmg : unravel the sorrow (frontiers)
14.therion ; twillight of th gods (napalm) cd leviathan 3
15. Signum regis : daniel s prophecy (ulterium)
16. sky empire : wayfarer (vicisolum)
17. striker : best of the best (asher)
18. chamelion ; the shadowleader (asher)
19. vitalines : love and thunder (frontiers)
20. dissona : the prodigal son (asher) cd deadfull instinct
21. kontrust : the end (napalm) cd madworld
22. demunillusions : dead dreams man (hlp)
23. lynch mob : caught up (frontiers)
24. Nanowar of steel ; metal boomer batalion (napalm)
Dangerzone 02.10.2023
1.thorium : across the nations (hlp)
2. Silent tiger ; shadows of life (pride and joy) cd twist of fate
3. Freakstorm ; figth to th end (pride and joy) cd angel in the dark
4. crazy lixx: whiskey tango foxtrot (frontiers)
5.dominum : patient zero (napalm)
6.stonemiller : we stay united (massacre) cd welcome to the sjhos
7. windrose ; mine mine mine (napalm)
8.wind rose : felows of the hammer (napalm)
9.wind rose ; army of stone (napalm)
10. revoltons ; nany john skennon (neecee) cd celewtial violence
11. apostolica ; rasputin (scarlet) cd animae haeretica
12. reach : mama mama (icea)
14. aaron cravens : escape route (whd) instrumentaal
15. skull and crossbones ; midnight fyre (massacre) cd sungazer
16.conspiracy of blackness ; collapsed (whd)
17.silent revenants : siren (whd)
18.doro : bond un ending (nbr)
19.ignescent : not today (frontiers)
20. the dark side of teh moon : new horizons (napalm)
20. roadwolf : midnight lightning (napalm)
20. blood python ; witchs brew (metalmessage) cd blood python
21. Dopelord : the chosen one (all noir)
22. Restless spirit : the fatalyst (alml noir)
23. ohmwork : trial of the witch (rob mule) cd in hindsight
24. Special ops ; set me free (asher)
25. primordial : how it ends (metalblade) cd how it ends
dangerzone 25.09.2023
1.doro : bond unending (nbr)
2. edge of forever : where are you (frontiers)
3. twisted rose : bring back those days (7 hard)
4. kings crown : down below (frontiers)
5. oomph : nur ein mensch (napalm)
6.ignition : ignite the fire (metalmessage) cd vengeance
7.garf special
7. Steelover ; need the heat
8. Treat : Carolina reaper
9. Legs diamond : don ' t turn away
10. th vintage caravan : can t get you off my mind (liv)(napalm)
11. Dio : allong came a spider (bmg) cd killing the dragon re-issue
12. Gama bomb : speed funeral (holdtight)
13. axenstar : heavenly symphony (innerwound)
14.Hvalross: running the gauntlet ( hlp)
15. motorhead : shine (pimp) heruitgave van another perfect day, 40 jarige jubileum editie met 1 nieuw nummmer
16. Shining : fidelis ad mortem (napalm)
17.never obay again ; the storm (scarlet) cd the end of an era
18. Eclipse : anthem (frontiers)
19. elusion ; isochronism (hlp)) cd the fubdamental pardox
20. black briar : forever and a day (nbr)
21. Pain : revolution (nbr)
22. Angra : tide of changes - part II (atomic fire)
23. Theocracy : mosaic (atomic fire)
24. dragonforce ; doomsday party (napalm)
25. ronnie atkins : if you can dream (frontiers)
26. windrose : mine mine mine (napalm)
27. sevendust : everything (napalm) cd truth killer
28. Illumishade ; enemy (napalm)
29.conquer divine ; the invisible (mascot)
30. james rivera s metal wave : everybody wants to rule the world (massacre)
31. Exmortus : storm of strings (nbr) instrumental
dangerzone 18.09.2023
1.orphaned land : sapari (live)(cm)
2. Vitalines : judgement day is here (fontiers)
3. signum regis ; salt of the earth (ulterium)
4. lynchmob : time after timr (frontiers)
5. primal fear : cancel culture '(atomic fire ) cd code red
6. amorphis ; amongst the stars (live) (atomic fire) ft anneke van giesbergen
7.marc hudson : astralive (napalm) cd starbound stories
8.marc hudson : starbound stories(napalm) cd starbound stories
9.marc hudson : the siren (napalm) cd starbound stories
10. asmodean : below the line (rob mules) cd by a thread
11. Dream demon : contagious (out of line)
12. KK s priest ; strike of the viper (napalm)
13. gabriele bellini ; only one planet (neecee) instr
14.bonfire ; bang down the door (af cd point blank re issue
15. Essence of datum : rodent rebellion (grandounds) (instr)
16; mollybaron : reality show (inside out)
17. seventh crystal : silence (frontiers)
18. Shocker ; fractured visions of the mind (htp)
19. hyperia : prophet of deceit (asher) cd the serpents cycle
20. phil campbell and the bastard sons : strike the match (nuclear blast)
21. Firewind : ode to leonidas (liv)(afm)
22. johan s kihlberg impera ; lost your life to rock n roll (live)(metalville) cd scandinavium alive
23. alterium : drag me to hell (afm)
24. Draco nicon : heresy (innerwounds)
25. lord vulture : liv em up (hlp)
26. Patriarchs in black ; show them your power (mdd) cd my veneration
27. Velvet viper : nothing compares to metal (massacre) cd nothing compares to metal
dangerzone 11.09 2023
1.UDO : fight for the right (atomic fire)
2. serenity fall of man (napalm) cd nemesis ad
3. temple balls : trap (frontiers)
4. Florence black ; don't hold me down (holdtight)
5. Royal tusk ; head up (holdtight)
6. Dogma : forbidden zone (holdtight)
7.megaherz : engelgesicht (napalm) cd in teufels name
8.megaherz : alles arlocher(napalm) cd in teufels name
9.megaherz : in teufelsname (napalm) cd in teufels name
10. secret sphere ; j s serenade (frontiers)
11. Another day dawns : hesitate (cm)
12.night demon : the wrath (cm)
13.sagh ; fall into te fire (live)(drakkar)
14. blind channel : deadzone (cm)
15. Rozario : to the gods w swear (pride and joy) cd to the gods we swear
16. Vambo ; love and sin (pride and joy) cd 2
17. Zhiva : step into the fire (prde and joy) cd into the eye of the storm
18. Primal fear ; deep in the night (atomic fire) cd code red
19. Pyramize: taking what is mine (afm)
20. nattsvermer ; devil s den (rob mule) cd nattsvermer µ
21. sevendust : holy water (napalm) cd truth killer
22. damnations hammer : do not diturb the watch maker (massacre)
23. Far beyond ; fast forward (hlp) cd the moment of chaos
24. Raspy junker ; start a revolution (m&o) cd bad queen
3. Slomosa : cabin fever (kickstart)
4. domino drive ; starlet queen (pride and joy) cd smoke and mirrors
9.nitrate : wild in the city (frontiers)
28. ronnie romero : castaway on the moon (frontiers)
Dangerzone 04.09.2023
1.sabaton : to hell and back (nbr)
2. scott stapp : higher power (napalm)
3. ronnie romero : chased by shadows (frontiers)
4. winterstorm : fate of the atlantheans (afm)
5. cyhra: aslight (nbr)
6. ron coolen and keith saint john : shake me to the floor (rc)
7. udo touchdown (atomic fire) cd touchdown
8. udo: forever free (atomic fire) cd touchdown
9. udo : heroes of freedom (atomic fire) cd touchdown
10. Noveria ; descent (scarlet) cd the gates of the underworld
11. Lars eric mattson ; fighting the good fight (lion) cd evolution
12. Winger ; vooddo fire (frontiers)
13. oblivion protocal : tormented (atomic fire) cd the fall of the shires
14. within temptation : b:leed out (pimp)
15. electric boys ; when life treats you funky (migthy)
16. Bonafide : are you listening (black lodge) cd are you listening
17. marc hudson ; starbound stories (napalm) cd starbound stories
18. Care of night : stret runner (frontiers)
19. Amorta ; shadows of whitechappel (metalùessage)
20. cabrakaan : luces y sombras (asher) cd aztlan
21. temperance : daruma (napalm) cd hermitage
22. myrkur : like humans (relapse)
23. Roadwolf : mark of the devil (napalm)
26. evile : monolith (all noir)
27. blackbird angels : comming in hot (frontiers)
28. Source ; bitter (holdtight)
32. Induction ; set you free (atomic fire) cd the power of power
Dangerzone 30.08.2023
1.firewind : mercenary man (live) (afm)
2. Streetfighter : black potion (from teh vault)
3. iron savior : in the realm of heavy metal (afm)
4. blindstone : down for the court (migthy) cd scars to remember
5. megaherz ; in teufels namen (napalm)
6. refuser : restless (sr) cd refuser
7. hunter : rebel angels rise (hardlife) cd rebel angels rise
8.hunter : wicked (hardlife) cd rebel angels rise
9.hunter : morior invictus (hardlife) cd rebel angels rise
10.matalite : blazing skies (afm) cd expedition one
11. bad as : you better run (whd)
12. theocracy return to dut (atomic fire)
13.oblivion patrol : tormented (atomic fire) cd fall of the shires
14. Lancer : purest power (fireflash) cd tempest
15. Creeper ; teenage sacrifice (holdtight)
16.xandria : my curse is my redemption (napalm)
17. michael catton ; point of no return (migthy)
18. Stonemiller : die young (massacre) cd welcome to the show
19. oomph : ricter und henker (napalm)
20.timechild : blossom plague (migthy)
21. led motiv : the man in silver (metalmessage) cd an astronauts diary
22. Svalbard : how to swim down (nbr)
23. JP Krom ; luna platon (asher)
23. Sinheresy : black spirit (scarlet) cd event horizon
23. vanashing kids ; only you (aural) c miracle of death
23.Elm street ; take tnhe night (massacre)
24. cold culture : downfall (prime collective) cd afterthoughts
25. Damnation s hammer ; outpost 31 (massacre) cd into the silent nebula
Dangerzone 21.08.2023
1. hunter : wicked (hardlife)
2. vega : 33 s and 45s (frontiers)
3. doro : lving after midnight (nbr)
4. gloryhammer ; sword of the goblin lord (napalm)
5. KKs priest : ride whirlwind (napalm) cd the sinner rides again
6. . Angra ; ride into the storm (atomic fre) cd cycles of pain
7. goth minister : I am the devil (afm)
8.lord of the lost : dead end (napalm)
9.the burning witches : unleash the beast (live)(napalm)
10. S.O.R.M. : crazy (noble demon)
11. Ever doubt : my betrayal (whd)
12. jag panzer : prey (atomic fire) d the hallowed
13.kontrust : I physically like you (napalm)
14. heroes and monsers : blame (frontiers)
15. Coronatus : dark ice (massacre)
16. graveyard : twice (nbr)
17. Induction: set you free (atomic fire) cd the power of power
18. edge of forever ; ritual (frontiers)
19. virtual symmetry : my story unfolds (hardlife) cd virtual symmetry
20. dustbolt ; I witness (afm)
21. Rising wings ; ride on (pride and joy) cd reach
21. far beyond ; altenate (hardlife) cd the moment of creation
22. icon of sin ; nightforce (frontier)
23. damnations hammer : sutter cane (massacre) cd into the silent nebula
24. Motley crue : black widow (pimp)
2526. domkraft slowburner (all noir) cd sonic moons
27. kings crown : still alive (frontiers)
28. moly baron : breakdown (inside out)
30. green lung : mounain throne (nbr)
Dangerzone 14.08.2023
1.firewind : maniac (live)(afm)
2. twisted rose ; wanted (7hard)
3. primal fear : deep in the night (atomic fire)
4. Odd crew : wings on a burning wind (drakkar)
5. eclipse : got it (frontiers) cd megalomanium
6. Promis down : let it out
7. Painted scars : live and let live
8. Mr myst : forever and dy
8. experienced ; bad girls burn in hell
8.iron savior ; curse of the machinery (afm cd firestarter
10. sarayasign : when all the lights go out (frontiers)
11.sevendust ; superficial dug (napalm) cd truth killer
12. Baroness ; beneath the rose (p zoo) cd stone
14. royal tusk : all my life (holdtight)
14. Phil campbell and the bastard sons : hammer and dance (nbr)
14. the unity : masterpiece (spv) cd the hellish joyride
14. evolution ; lies (lion) cd evolution
14. UDO : touchdown (atomic fire) cd touchdown
14. skull and crossbones : nature s legacy (massacre) cd sungazer
15. Temic : count your losses (holdtight)
16. Skies turn black ; the skies are falling dawn (holdtight)
17. robledo : my own hope (frontiers)
18. electus ; all the way (plus)
19. cyhra : if I (nbr)
20. eleine : we shall remain (atomic fire)
21. tailgunner : new horizons (fireflash) cd guns for hire
Dangerzone O7.08.2023
1. windrose : gates of ekrund (napalm)vrij main 12U30
2. rise of the northstar : rise om 13U40
3. metal church : waqtch the children pray (live) om 15 U
4. Michale schenker : under a blood red sky (nbr) om 23U50
5. powerwolf : blessed and possesed (napalm) om 21U40 I
6. ron mask : tree of the world (afm) zat 11U20
7. eleine : never forget (atomic fire) cd we shall remain
8. eleine : we shall remain (atomic fire) cd we shall remain
9 eleine : stand by the flame (atomic fire) cd we shall remain
10 .tygers of pan tang: damn you (migthy) om zat 14u30 morgue
11.jag panzer ; onward we toil (atomic fire) morgue om 20U20
12. Crystal viper : voices in my head (afm) om 12U25
13.twillight force ; sunlight knight (nbr) zat 13U40
14. dynazty: heartless madness (afm) zat 15 U
15. H E A T : Back to the rythm ZAT 16U25
16. Alestorm : drink (napalm) zat 21U10
17. KK s priest : one more shot at glory (napalm) zat om 23U20
18. Amorphis: the moon (atomic fire) zat op helldorado stage om 00 U 25
19. riot V ; victory (metalbade) zat 22 u morgue
19. grave digger : barbarian () Zon 12U20
20. sacred reich : surf nicaragua (rr) om 13U40
21 overkill = scorched (nbr) om 16 U25
22. gloryhammer : wasteland warrior hoods atrol (napalm) om 17U50
23. blind guardian : architects of doom (nbr) om 19U30
24. Electric call boy : we gotta move (cm) om 23U20
Dangerzone 31.07.2023
1.kamelot ; eventide (napalm) cd the awakening
2. twisted rose ; wanted (7 hard)
3. Eunomia ; gloriuos (rockshots) cd the chronicals of eunomia part 2
4. rian : we ride (frontiers)
5. Robledo ; borken soul (frontiers) cd broken soul
6. scream maker ; everybody needs illusions (frontiers) cd land of fire
7.delain : queen of shadow (napalm) cd dark waters
8.delain : moth to a flame(napalm) cd dark waters
9.delain : beneath (napalm) cd dark waters
10. evile : when mortails coil (napalm)
11. . takida ; the loneliest hour (napalm)
12. Mystfall : centuries (scarlet) cd celestail vision
13.queen cult ; blackhole (holdtight)
lokerse feesten
1. stake : love death and decay (15u30)
2/ Bio hazzard : kill or be killed (roadrunner) om 17u
3. Bullet for my valentine : (spinefam) om 19U30
4. Megadeth : sweating bullets (roadrunner) om 20u
5. Within temptation : sinaed om 21u45
6. Amen ra : children of the eye om 23U30
7. psychonaut : the fall of consciousness
8. pennywise : bro hymn (live 8 min)
9. Bizkit park/limp bizkit : boiler - woensdag
9. skunk anansie : weak (woensdag)
10. Placebo sd while reggae (maandag)
11. 23. Black stone cherry : screaming to the sky (mascot)
12.Crobot : black cat (mascot)
Dangerzone 24.07.2023
1.feurschwanz : dragonslayer (napalm)
2. marc hudson : astralive (holdtight)
3. kk s priest ; one more shot to glory (napalm)
4. winterage : simurgh the firebird (scarlet) ce nekyia
5. lord of the lost : reset the preset (napalm) cd blood and glitter
6. ironborn ; bloodbound (hardlife) cd after the flood
7.the answer : sundowners (aces high) cd sundowners
8.the answer : calforia rust (aces high) cd sundowners
9.the answer : oh cherry(aces high) cd sundowners
10.laurenne and louhimo : to the wall (frontiers)
11. zeke sky : the clock (atomoic fire)
12. equilibrium : shelteer (nbr)
13.bliss : found missing (whd)
14. lancer : entity (fireflash ) cd tempest
15. thelemite ; night of the wolf) cd survival of the fittest
16. vambo : worlds collide (pide and joy)
17. Rainning nails : anthem (rockshots) cd human deeds
18. bad as ; nemesis (whd)
19. wonders : one million miles (limb) cd beyond the mirage
20. valkeat : tribe (reaper) cd fireborn
21. oomph : wem die stunde schlägt (napalm)
22. Tarja turunen : eye of the storm
23. Metallica 72 sesons
25. Dogma : my first peak (holdtight)
26. ibliss : living like a sinner (helter skelter) cd bintang fajar
27. dali van gogh ; all along the watchtower (whd)
Dangerzone 17.07.2023
1. jag panzer : dark descent :atoùic fire) c hallowed
2. Rozario : to the gods we swear (pride and joy)
3. revolution saints : 14 voices (frontiers)
4.night legion : babylon burns (massacre) cd fight or fall
5. heimdall : king (pride and joy) cd hephaestus
6. Icon of sin : cimmerian (frontiers)
7.. eclipse ; hears collide (frontiers)
8. Firewind : orbitual sunrise (live) (afm)
9.. kent hilli : a fool to believe (frontiers)
10. uncured : let s break out (pavement) cd my design
11. coastwise : gimme waht you ve got (hardlife)
11. Megaherz : engelsgesicht (napalm) cd in teufels namen
12. Mark hudson ; astralive (napalm) cd starbound stories ex singer dragon force
13.stygian fair : aradia (rockshot) cd aradia
14. seraina telli ; monkey and zoo keeper (metalville) cd addicted to color
15. Final gasp ; mourning moon (relapse)
16. Blindstone : drums of war (migthy)
17. sister may : guts (hardlife)
18. Metalite ; disciples of the stars (afm) cd expedition one
19. esprit d'air : oceans call (starstorm) cd oceans band from japan
20. kk s priest : one more shot at glory (napalm)
21/. Lost alone ; the final call forever (holdtight)
22. all my shadows : lifeforms (frontiers)µ
23. Serenity ; ritter tod un teufel - knightfall (napalm)
24. skull and crossbones : sungazer (massacre)
25. Dissilusive play : parallel lives (whd)
26. revoltons : low ranking business men (neecee)
27. Voyager ; prince of fire (som) cd fearless in love
24. the devil s trade : videkek vannak idebenn (som) cd videkek vnnak ideben (!8min)
Dangerzone 10.07.2023
1. lord of the lost : when the curtain falls (napalm)
2. Altar of oblivion; burning memories (from the vaukt) burning memories
3. dragonheart : dragonhearts tale (rockshot) cd dragon hearts tale
4. withering scorn : dethroned (frontiers)
5. the gems : phoenix (napalm)
6. allemedah : the great unknown (uprising)
7. heidevolk : drinking with the gods (napalm)
8.heidevolk : wederkeer (napalm)
9.heidevolk : de strijd duurt voort(napalm)
10.oblivion protocol : this is not a test (atomic fire)
11. speed limit ; new horizon (grandounds) d cut a long story short
11. Doro : time for justice (nbr)
11.burning witches ; evil witch (napalm)
11. UDO : forever fre (atomic fire) cd touchdown
12. bloodbound : tales from the north (afm)
12. saraysign : every dying night (frontier)
13. hail the sun : under the floor (holdtight)
14. gabriele belini : inverso qua rock)
15. Blackbriar ; cicada (nbr)
16. Black oak country ; its on you (migthy)
17. Rian : carry my wings (frontiers)
18. green labyrinth ; dreamland (fastball)
19. fireborn : the eye of a hurricane (deko) cd reflections
20. Molybaron ; something ominous (inside out)
20. temple balls : no reason (frontiers)
21. barones : last word (pettingzoo)
22. Evile ; reap what you saw (all noir)
Dangerzone 03.07.2023
1.fifth angel : we are immortal (nbr)
2. kent hilli : nothing left to lose (frontiers)
3. scream maker : see the light (frontiers)
4. Joel hoekstra s 13: torn into lies (frontiers)
5. electric boys : domestic blitz (migthy)
6. freedom call ; union of the strong (live)(spv) cd ) cd the metal fest
7. black mirrors : snake oil (napalm) cd tomorrow will be wthout us
8.black mirrors : hateful hate I ll kill you (napalm) cd tomorrow will be wthout us
9.black mirrors : lost in dessert (napalm) cd tomorrow will be wthout us
10.tailgunner ; guns for hire (fireflash)
11. a life divided : life goes on (afm) cd down the spiral of a soul
12. degrees of truth ; over the tide (scarlet) cd alchemists
13. iron savior : fire starter (afm)
14. lames rivera s metal wave : black celebration (massacre)
15. Ray alder ; my oblivion (inside out) cd II
16. eleine ; stand by the flame (atomic fire) cd we shall remain
17. Cyhra life is a hurricane (nbr)
18. bad as : fight the demons (whd)
19. Deaf rat : schozophrenic part of me (afm)
20. spirit a drift ; barn burner (cm)
21. Edge of paradise : basilik (frontiers)
22. Type o negative ; halloween in heaven (nbr)
23.art nation : 1001 'frontiers)
24. Robledo : broken soul (frontiers)
24. Later sons ; never surrender (pride and joy) cd rise up
24. gabriele bellini ; veritas filia temporis (neecee)
26. the unslain : to hell (hardlife) cd descending
27. Royal thunder : fade (spinefarm)
Dangerzone 26.06.2023
1.kamelot : new babyon (napalm)
2.the defiants ; go big or go home (frontiers)
3 mitch malloy : I am living in paradise (cargo) cd the last song
4. frozen land : sinorita (massacre) cd out of the dark
5. Arjen Lucassen’s Supersonic Revolution ‘Golden Age Of Music’ : the glamattack (mascot)
6. vandenberg : sin (mascot)
7. jag panzer : edge of knife (atomic fire) cd the hallowed
8. jag panzer : onward we toil(atomic fire) cd the hallowed
9. jag panzer : stronger thn you know (atomic fire) cd the hallowed
10. black stone cherry : nervous (mascot)
11. hell in the club : sidonie (frontiers)
11. megaherz ; alles arschloecher(napalm) cd in teufels name
7. degreed :ride along (frontiers)
8. oryad : blood (cmm) cd sacred and profane)
9.the silent rage the serpent lord (scarlet) cd nuances of life
11. Rhapsody of fire kreels magic (afm)
11. bloodbound ; drink with the gods (afm) cd tales from the north
11. Hot breath : right time (the sign)
11. Velvet viper ; invisible danger (massacre)
11. blaze bayley : warrior (live)(bbr) cd dmmaged stranged different and live
11. mortician ; leather and wheels (pure steel) cd 40 years of metal
11. Rammstein : du hast (universal)
11. Blacklist union : the queen of everything (rock n growl)
11. prydain : the gates of aramore (hardlife) cd the gates of aramore
11. robledo : real world (frontiers)
11. epica ; unleashed (live) (nbr)
Dangerzone 19.06.2023
1.kamelot ; new babylon (napalm) ccd the awakening
2. phil manca : angels don't cry (rock city) cd layers of pain
3. Beastmaker ; ritual (helter skelter) cd body and soul
4. sculforge ; slave to the machine (mdd) cd intergalactic battle tunes
5.virgin steele : you will never see the sun again (spv) cd the passion of dionysuss
6. Primal fear ; another hero (atomic fire)
7. elegant weapons : horns for a halo (nbr)
8. oblivion protocol ; 'atomic fire) forest in the fall out
9. creeper : cry to heaven (holdtight)
10.. glory hammer : wasteland warrior hoots patrol (napalm) cd return to the kingdom
11. kikimora : bound for destruction (frontiers)
12. Smokeheads ; side by side (whd)
13.lord of the lost : noitulover (napalm)
14. arch blade ; nightbreed (rockshots) cd kill the witch
15. svartanatt : child of the devil (the sign)
16. Children of the sun : come with us (the sign)
17. motorhead : I got mine (live)(pimp) cd live in Montreux
18. Asylum Pyre : figthers (grandounds) cd call me inhuman
19. Lancer ; fan the flames (fireflash) cd tempest
20. S O R M : I die for my rock n roll (noble demon) ft gitarist van Dee Snider
21. Anjel ; burning down (prime collective)
22. Withering : scorn prophets of demise (frontiers)
23. Spirit a drift ; I shall return (cm)
24. Sirenia ; wintry heart (napalm) cd 1977
24. Eclipse : the hardest part is losing you (frontiers)
24. Deitus : voyeur (spinefarm)
25. black spell : walpurgis night (helter skelter) cd walpurgis night
Dangerzone 12.06.2023
mainstage zaterdag
1. halestorm ; the steeple
2. Pantera : cowboys from hell
zaterdag marquee
3.cyclone ; paralysed
4. exodus : toxik waltz
5. Testament ; children of the next level (nbr)
6. korpiklaani : kunia (nbr)
jupiler stag
7. Danko jones : gues who s back
8. Life of zgony : weeds
zaterdag : metal dome
9. fields of nephlim : moon child
zondag mainstage
10. Eclipse : viva victoria (frontiers)
11. Elegant weapons ; do or die (nbr)
12. Dirksccneider : he is a woman she is a man ((atomic fire)
13. three days grace ; so called life
14. Holly wood vmpires : heroes
15. def appard : kick
zondag mainstage
1. kissing dynamite : not the end of the road (napalm)
2. Skid row : youth gone wild
3. avatar ; house of eternal hunt (cm)
4. motley crue : wild child
5. genertion X (nu generation sex met billy idol) ; ready steady go
Zondag in marquee
6. Katatonia : birds (napalm)
7. eluveiti : inis mona
8. kreator : satan is real (nbr)
zondag metaldome
9. Deathstars : metal (nbr)
10. Helmut lotti : fan van Iron maide,n : bring your daugther to slaughter
11. voivod ; nuage fractal
12. coheed an -d cambria the liars club
13. monster magent : unbroken
ng te vermelden
14. In flames : alias
15. slipknot ; spiders
Dangerzone 05.06.2023
dondardag main stage
1.beast in black : blade runner (nbr)
2. Mammoth wvh : don t back down
3. papa roach : dead cell
4. alterbridge ; ths is war (napalm)
5. Epica ; resign to surrender (atomic fire)
6. Ghost : rats (spinefarm)
7. guns and roses :you could be mine
donderdag metal dome :
8. molybaron : lucifer
8. the revan age : serpent
9. symphony x : without you
10. evergrey : a new dawn (napalm)
11. haken : invasion
vrijdag mainstage
12. blind channel : balboa (m)
13. Airbourne : no guts no glory
vrijdag mainstage
1. thundermother : black and gold (nbr)
2. disturbed : are you ready (warner)
3. propain : no fly zone
4. gojira : stranded
5. Amon Amarth : twillight of the thundergod (metalblade)
6. machine head ; no gods no masters (nbr)
vrijdag marquee
4. saltatio mortalis ; krieg kent keine sieger
5. heidevolk : drink et de goeden (napalm)
5. fin ntroll : under berges rot (cm)
5watain : the howling (nbr)
6. delain : april rain (napalm)
vriidag metaldome
7. black mirrors ; moonstone (napalm)
8. any given day ; apocalypse
9. the answer livin on the line
10. Orange goblin : sosn of salem
11. clutch : crucial velocity
Dangerzone 29.05.2023
1.tygers of pan tang : edge of the world (migthy) cd bloodlines
2. dali van gogh : tom sawyer (whd) cover from Rush
3. mark wise : the fire within (lets techno)
4. revoltons ; escape or drown (neecee)
5. mats karlsson : mood elevator (mk) cd mood elevator
6. night legion : the hounds of the baskerville (massacre) cd fight or fall
7. burning witches : world on fiere (napalm) cd the dark tower
8.burning witches : unleash the beast (napalm) cd the dark tower
9.burning witches : the dark tower (napalm) cd the dark tower
10. odd palace : wildfire (prile collective)
11. sister may : sworn (eb)
11. arkham witch ; beer and bullet belts (momr) cd beer and bullets belt
11. fith angel : resist the tyrant (nbr)
11. evile : the unknown (napalm)
11. reasons behind : the fall of the human race (scarlet) cd architecture of an ego
11. lucifer : a coffin has no silver lining (nbr)
11. curse of cain : blame (atomic fire)
11. tail gunner : crash drive (fireflash) cd guns for hire
11. metal church : congregation of annihilation (reaper) cd congregation of annihilation
12. kingdom of tyrants : unforgotten souls (morm) cd architects of power
13.edge of paradise : hologram (frontiers)
14. allamedah ; desvanescente (uprising)
15.gloryhammer : holy flaming hammer of unholy cosmic frost (napalm)
16. Max enix : beyond my blood (whd)